How to Convert a Gas Engine to Burn H2O

How to Convert a Gas Engine to Burn H2O

Reduce your impact on the environment by installing a hydrogen generator in your car's engine. Although the technology for making cars run completely on water is still under development, using a hydrogen generator is a close alternative. Hydrogen generators work in the car's engine by breaking down water into hydrogen and oxygen and mixing it with gasoline. The result is a more fuel-efficient and environmentally-friendly vehicle.

  • Consult a reputable mechanic and ask if your car can support a hydrogen generator. Not all cars are equipped with the technology or have the space to use a hydrogen generator.

  • Buy a hydrogen generator kit online or at your local automotive retailer. Hydrogen generator kits are also referred to as hydrogen kits or H2O kits. The kits usually come equipped with an electrolyzer, a fuel pre-heater and an ECU (vehicle computer compensation method.)

  • Install the hydrogen generator close to the engine of the car. Install the generator in a location where it does not interfere with any other engine components. Do not place the generator on top of other engine parts. When properly installed, the hydrogen generator mixes water with gasoline to make your car burn less fuel and emit fewer pollutants.