Hybrid cars are much more friendly to the environment than regular cars, and they get a great deal better gas mileage than many standard cars. However, just like a standard car, you have to drive a hybrid vehicle to the gas station to fill up. Even though the car is a hybrid vehicle, gassing it up is pretty much the same standard operating procedure as a regular, internal combustion car.
Place the gas pump nozzle firmly into the car's fueling bay. Select your grade of gasoline and begin fueling.
Pump the gas until the automatic shutoff on the gas pump tells you that your gas tank is completely full. Make sure that the gas pump nozzle is shut off and that the pump lever is completely down. Remove the pump nozzle from your vehicle and replace it on the gas pump.
Put the fuel cover back on and then close the fuel door. Make sure that the fuel door is closed. This process is exactly similar to putting fuel in a regular car, since the gas tank on your hybrid is set up the same way as a traditional vehicle's fuel tank.