Horsepower (HP) is a unit of power that was originally associated with the amount of power 1 horse could deliver. It was developed when steam engines were initially created to measure the power of the new engines versus the common draft horse. Kilowatts (kW) is the common metric unit of power. The standard relation between these two units is 1 HP equals 0.7456 kW. Different uses have slightly different conversions, like the UK standard horsepower ratio is 1 HP equals 0.7457 kW.
To convert standard HP to kW, multiply the HP value by 0.7456999.
To convert the standard United Kingdom HP to kW, multiply the HP value by 0.7457.
To convert the metric HP to kW, multiply the HP value by 0.7354988.
To convert the electric HP to kW, multiply the HP value by 0.746.
To convert the boiler HP to kW, multiply the HP value by 9.8095.