Can a Diesel Engine Be Converted to a Natural Gas Engine?

Can a Diesel Engine Be Converted to a Natural Gas Engine?

It's possible to convert a standard diesel engine to run on natural gas ("liquid propane" or LP), but you may want to use LP as a supplemental fuel. Although LP burns cleaner than diesel and may help your engine last longer, it isn't necessarily cheaper.


  • Diesel engines "squeeze" the fuel they ingest until it explodes, meaning they can run on practically anything. Propane has long been used as a supplemental fuel for turbo-diesel engines.


  • LP burns cleaner than diesel and cools the intake air, so it's better for use indoors and can generate a bit more power than gas or diesel. It also contains fewer contaminants than diesel, which means the engine should last longer.


  • A gallon of diesel has roughly 128,000 BTU (British Thermal Units) of energy potential, and natural gas has 84,000. You would have to inject about 50% more propane to produce the same amount of power as diesel, which largely negates any decrease in operating cost.


  • Propane injection is easy to use as a supplemental fuel because it's stored under pressure, and its cooling effects make it an ideal addition for turbocharged engines.

Fun Fact

  • If you want to see a fully-converted and functional diesel-to-natural gas engine, check out your local UPS terminal. About 10% of the company's trucks are powered by natural gas.