How to Improve Diesel Fuel Consumption

How to Improve Diesel Fuel Consumption

Since the cost of diesel fuel will continue to be a burden for many people for some time, it is important to know what steps you can take to improve your diesel fuel consumption and reduce your costs. Changing the way you drive and making small changes to your truck will cut your diesel consumption, leaving you more money for the fun stuff.

Things You'll Need

  • Truck tarp
  • Aftermarket computer chip

Simple Fixes

  • Check your tires. Adding weight to your diesel-fueled truck causes bulging tires and increases drag. By inflating your tires the correct amount, your diesel consumption will drop.

  • Know the best way to shift gears. Shifting gears on a diesel truck at the lowest revolutions per minute (rpm) improves your mileage and cuts your fuel consumption because diesel engines deliver more torque at lower speeds.

  • Don't be a lead foot. Dropping down just a mile per hour below 55 mph reduces diesel fuel consumption 2.2 percent, according to Overdrive magazine.

  • Take the weight off. Lightening your haul reduces fuel consumption on highways and in stop-and-go traffic. Do not carry an unnecessary load and remove hitches when not in use. Replacing metal body parts with fiberglass also saves weight.

  • Streamline your vehicle. By covering your truck bed to reduce drag, your diesel consumption can be cut by about 6 percent, according to the Specialty Equipment Market Association.

  • Reset your electronically controlled diesel engine. You can buy a computer chip for a few hundred dollars that can do the job for you. By reducing the setting on your road speed limiter, you can use your top gear, lowering the rpm. Disabling the automatic fan-on setting with your engine break and adjusting the engine break so that it does not engage with cruise control also improves your diesel consumption. When the truck rolls out after a downgrade, it will go further, delaying your need to accelerate.