Due to high consumer demand as well as the state of the economy, gasoline prices have been steadily rising or fluctuating for the past few years. In order to save money many individuals will try to find wholesale gasoline prices every day. By taking a little time to conduct research about wholesale gas prices and locations, car owners can devise a systematic plan to save money on gasoline every time they fill up the gas tank.
Use a reputable Internet search engine to locate various websites that offer daily updated information about wholesale gasoline prices and locations. The Gas Buddy website is an example of a gasoline-information website. You can visit the site or register to receive updated wholesale gas prices for you ZIP code in a daily email message.
Use a cell phone to locate wholesale gas prices daily. There are cell phone services that send daily updated gas prices to individuals through text messages. The AAA website is one example of a texting gas-price-alert system; it is available free to all AAA members.
Use a GPS to locate wholesale gasoline prices and stations quickly while driving. Not all GPS systems are equipped to locate wholesale gas prices. The Garmin website, for example, explains that the Nuvi 680 has a built-in gas-pricing feature that is free for one year and then renewable for a fee.
Sign up for a membership at a wholesale store such as Sam's Club or Costco in order to gain access to its wholesale gasoline prices. Although you have to pay a membership fee, you can save a large amount of money with the wholesale gas prices. For example, Costco members receive a 3% discount on all the gasoline they buy from a Costco gas station or partnering station.
Check with local grocery stores, because they sometimes partner with neighboring gasoline stations in order to promote both businesses. Obtaining a free grocery savings card will allow you to receive discounted gas at the neighboring gas station. Also, check fliers and information from gas stations that advertise wholesale gasoline prices ahead of time.