The Suburban is a large Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) that has a long chassis and a roomy interior. The large size of the Suburban contributes to its low Mileage Per Gallon (MPG). Newer models get only 21 MPG on the highway and older models get less MPG due to older technology. If you own a Suburban, and want better gas mileage in the city and on the highway, there are a few things you can do to reduce your gas consumption.
Ensure that your Suburban's engine is kept in proper working order. If you don't change the oil on a regular basis or take your Suburban in to get looked over at the recommended times according to the manufacturer's schedule, the engine can develop problems that will reduce your gas mileage. Synthetic oils or natural oils that are treated with special anti-friction additives have been known to improve your gas mileage by 12 percent.
Inflate your tires to the proper rating (written on the side of the tire) and check them regularly to ensure that they stay inflated. If your tires are under-inflated, the car has to work harder when driving, which requires extra fuel, and a lower MPG.
Take as much extra "stuff" out of your car as possible. If your Suburban has a third row of seats, remove them and leave them at home if you don't use them. This will reduce the overall weight of the vehicle and improve gas mileage.
Take off extra accessories on your car that increase wind resistance, such as luggage racks. While these don't have much effect at low speeds, once you reach highway speeds, they can have a major effect on your gas mileage.
Take highway routes as much as possible, since driving in city traffic will drastically increase how much fuel your Suburban uses. Avoid idling the engine in traffic. Idling consumes gas, and reduces MPG.