With gas prices soaring through the roof, people are trying everything imaginable to cut down on costs. Getting better fuel mileage is one way to cut down on your gas bill and save more money each month. There are a few simple changes that you can make to help you get better gas mileage.
Clean out your car. Some people use their trunk as storage space. This is not the thing to do if you want better fuel mileage. Extra weight in the car decreases your gas mileage as much as 2 to 7%.
Keep your car healthy and running well. Take your car in for 3-month checkups and oil changes. When belts or tires are not functioning properly, you will get worse gas mileage than if they were.
Be a better driver. Steering clear of road rage will increase your gas mileage! Slamming on your brakes or taking off like a NASCAR driver will do horrible things to your fuel bill. Driving like a grandma doesn't help either. By driving with your foot on the brake, you might decrease your gas mileage by up to 35%. Drive smoothly, as if you have a glass of water that you are trying not to spill.
Drive a more fuel-efficient car. It might be time for a trade-in if your vehicle is getting less than great gas mileage. Check around to find out which cars have outstanding fuel mileage and give some thought to purchasing a more fuel efficient vehicle.
When possible, drive at 60 mph. This is the optimum speed for fuel efficiency. If you're on a trip and tempted to keep up with fast moving traffic, picture the price at the pump and think again. If you are on a steady stretch of road, using cruise control can help keep your speed and gas mileage under control.