So you've finally decided that it's most definitely time to paint your latest project. As rod and custom hobbyists, we're always on the lookout for the newest and best way to ply our craft, and for the most economical way to achieve a certain task. Some of us will spare no expense to utilize the latest technology, but most are looking for value as well as quality. Well, in this case, value and quality are available in the same product. Doug Jerger of Squeeg's Kustoms feels he has come up with an epoxy primer-sealer that will make the job easier, and he wants folks to know the proper method for applying this special recipe.
The PrepYour ride must be stripped down to bare metal, and all trim, glass, old paint, everything should be off the surfaces you plan to prime and, later, paint. You won't find this primer in those $99 paint job shops; for that matter, you're not likely to find this primer in your typical production shop either, since this product takes a full 24 hours to cure completely. It is slow to dry, but offers zero shrinkage and high build. This means your gaps and seams will not surprise you a week or a month down the road, and your panels will remain flat just as you prepped them.
All major bodywork needs to be completed at this time. Any welding or hammer and dolly sessions need to happen before the preliminary application of Squeeg's yellow stuff. Continue preparing the surface by thoroughly sanding or DA'ing the surface to be shot; don't forget to wire-wheel all the nooks, crannies, and crevices. The more thorough you are here the more awesome rewards you'll reap down the road after the shiny stuff is sprayed on.
Finally (at least in the prep department!), it's time to wipe everything down with acetone and plenty of clean rags. Get a new wipe-down rag frequently, and keep cleaning until it is hard to dirty the rags. You are now ready to go for your gun-spray gun, that is!
ApplicationYou need to lay down two smooth coats to fully seal the metal with this product. Allow the first coat to flash before spraying the next. As mentioned before, Squeeg's primer will cure in 24 hours. You can continue with the remainder of the bodywork after the metal is sealed and cured, including filler, and additional longboard work, etc. Now it's time to hit the surface with 80-grit paper, either by hand or machine. Remember, this is some serious stuff, so wear a respirator when applying and sanding this primer (as well as any other). After you've worked the body back to absolute perfection, you can apply up to five more coats (always allowing for flash time in between) and block some more, working up through progressively finer grades of sandpaper. Now you can lay on some color, but that has been covered in the past, and will be covered again with any future innovations.
Whether you do your own work or hire a pro, give Squeeg's Epoxy Primer-Sealer a shot!