Firewall Mounted Power Brake Assembly - Product Detail - Rod and Custom Magazine

Firewall Mounted Power Brake Assembly - Product Detail - Rod and Custom Magazine

One noticeable difference between hitting the brakes on a late-model car and an old Chevy is the under-floor-mounted master cylinder of the earlier car. After driving a car with swing pedals for so many years, it can feel a little awkward to apply the brakes in a car with through-the-floor pedals.

If you're looking to improve the driving experience of your '49-54 Chevy and aren't worried about completely smoothing the firewall, then Walton Fabrication might have just what you're looking for. Their new Firewall Mounted Power Brake Assembly can easily be installed in an afternoon including running some new brake lines. We recently dropped by as they were fitting one on a customer's '49 Chevy and shot a few photos for you.