Affordable Engine-Building Tools - Tech - Car Craft Magazine

Affordable Engine-Building Tools - Tech - Car Craft Magazine
Affordable Engine-Building Tools - Tech - Car Craft Magazine

Having the proper tools to assemble or disassemble an engine can make the difference between a heroic buildup and an utter nightmare. Unfortunately, trying to overstock your personal tool bin with quality big-name labels like Snap-on, Craftsman, and Matco also happens to come at a premium price. And considering that our monthly checking account statement tends to look more like a cheap, fast food receipt, we've concocted several homemade tools that'll still allow us to get the job done, all the while prudently piecing together our ultimate toolset.

So if your budget is anything like ours, you'll definitely appreciate a few of these ideas. Most of the tools seen here were either created with a little ingenuity or can be purchased relatively cheaply. With that said, follow along, take notes, and if you have a homemade tool that we didn't cover or one that'll work even better, be sure to send us some info along with photos and perhaps we'll showcase it in an upcoming issue.