Flame Tips From The Pros

Flame Tips From The Pros

Having flames painted at a custom shop costs big bucks. You could do it yourself which is cheaper and more fun, but you may not turn out pro results. You definitely won’t without some clues to start with, so we spent some time with Mick Jenkins, shop foreman at So-Cal Speed Shop, and with legendary flame painter Dennis Ricklefs to find out how the pros lay down the licks, and how first timers can improve their chances for flaming success.


Planning the design is half the job. Study the flamed cars at shows. Thumb through old issues of R&C, and find the style that suits your taste and your car. The flames on a fendered ’34 wouldn’t transfer to a ’50 Ford, and the licks on our cover car wouldn’t work on a Deuce highboy. Try sketching some ideas on photocopied photos of your car to determine where the flames should fall and how far back they should extend.

The colors of your flames are as important as the shape. A traditional pattern starts with white at the front of the car and blends to yellow, orange, and red. But that’s just one style. You may prefer blues and greens, or various shades of purple. You may choose not to blend the colors at all and stick with solid color flames.

Once you’ve decided on a color scheme, create a test panel to see how your design looks in reality. Start with a piece of sheetmetal at least 36 inches square painted the same color as your car. Lay out a few flames, mask it, paint it, and stripe it. In addition to giving you some practice, this allows you to see what the finished flames will look like.