Belt Sizing Made a Little Easier - Street Rodder Magazine

Belt Sizing Made a Little Easier - Street Rodder Magazine

Like 10 pounds of fertilizer in a 5-pound sack, engine bays of early Fords offer little room to spare. Therefore, accuracy in belt sizing is an absolute necessity. If you don’t get your accessories tucked in tight, you won’t be closing your hood.

Belt Sizing Made a Little Easier - Street Rodder Magazine Here, through a maze of Chevrolet Performance pulleys, Bill’s Hot Rod Company bracketry, A/C from Vintage Air, and a longer-than-necessary used V-belt is tightly threaded. While pulling out as much slack as possible, hold the ends firmly in place and use your third hand to cut sample belts to the desired lengths.

While this little trick may seem obvious to some, I’m certain that I never would have thought of it on my own. As suggested by my friend, Guardrail Willie Martin, I now keep a supply of used belts on hand so actual-size samples can be cut from the longer ones. While this makes belt sizing easier, they’re still a handful (it takes about three hands) to hold in place while measuring. Recently, while struggling with a cut-to-fit V-belt sample, a search for staples ensued: “Has anybody seen the T-50s? I know there’s some on this shelf somewhere! Let’s move all these zip-ties outta the way... OK, let’s move all this shrink-tube outta the way ... Shazam! Shrink-tube!”