Apparently there are a number of street rod builders who are impressed with Ford’s new 5.0 four-cammer and Ford Racing Performance Parts’ commitment to making them available to enthusiasts so quickly. As a result, there are lots of Ford engines finding their way into engine compartments where a small-block Chevy would normally be found. Given the engine’s performance, and the aftermarket support it’s already generating, it seems to us that there’s a new player in the street rod powerplant department and it’s the Coyote.
While we can’t recall a newly introduced engine that has garnered the attention so quickly, it will take a little time for the aftermarket to get up to speed manufacturing things like A/C and power steering brackets, motor mounts, headers, and so on; many of those are currently under development. In the meantime, Ford does offer an alternator kit that will fit some installations.
On a recent road trip our fearless leader, Brian Brennan, dropped by Hot Rods by Dean, and since no one would buy him lunch and all the morning doughnuts were gone, he occupied himself by taking a few photos of an under-construction Model A being fitted with a Coyote. At first blush it seemed like there was more motor than the roadster pickup could accommodate, but there it was and seeing is believing.
There are a host of things that still need to be addressed on this engine installation. The transmission has yet to be chosen, the style of exhaust hasn’t been decided on, and there’s been talk about custom cam and fuel injection covers. We’ll be following this project and reporting on what’s being done, as well as the new parts being created—of course that means we may have to let Brennan out of the office a little more often. You’ve been warned.