318 Small-Block Budget Build, Part 2 - Mopar Muscle Magazine

318 Small-Block Budget Build, Part 2 - Mopar Muscle Magazine
318 Small-Block Budget Build, Part 2 - Mopar Muscle Magazine

Part 2, Bottom End Bolt Up
Last month, we introduced our plan to assist Young Gun Darrell Kunda in his quest to build a budget-minded small-block for his '66 Barracuda. When asked how much money he planned to spend, his reply was: "money?" yep, he's a car guy. we hatched a plan to use a '70-vintage 318 as the core of our build and set out to build a reliable, respectably powered small-block using an engine that many just toss away.

If you remember in our October '08 issue, we tore the engine down and found that either this engine had very few miles on it or it was well taken care of. Either way, we were in luck. So we prepared the block for re-assembly and will pick up this month with that in mind. In Part 2, we will show how we assembled the short-block.