Chrysler invested millions of dollars and spent thousands of dyno hours designing and validating the Gen III Hemi valvetrain. And in stock form, it's an excellent design that'll go thousands of miles with total reliability. But things change when you start messing with the factory formula. While the stock 5.7's 340 and 6.1's 425hp ratings are nothing to be ashamed of, they only scratch the surface of the new Hemi's potential.
At Superior Automotive, Joe Jill and his crew have a steady customer base of Gen III Hemi owners looking for extra punch. Some just want their Ram pickups, Chargers, 300s, Magnums, and Challengers to scoot a little quicker with a simple cam swap, while others are paying big money for supercharger installations, nitrous systems, 440-inch stroker kits, and are really pushing the boundaries. What both camps have in common is the discovery that the Gen III Hemi needs a little help in the valvetrain and cylinder head department to meet expectations.
Let's have a look as Superior's Fred Simpson shows off some new developments that clear the way for even more Hemi horsepower.