Sometimes 350 hp just isn't enough, and with all the unnaturallyaspirated Cobras, Corvettes, and F-bodies prowling the streets, the3,700-plus-pound '04 GTO really needs an edge to stay competitive. Butwhy just settle for an edge when you could have a sledgehammer? Howabout more than 525 flywheel horsepower on tap at the push of the pedalwith no bottles to refill? If this sounds like your cup of tea,Accessible Technologies Inc. (ATI) has a GTO ProCharger kit with yourname on it.
ATI's ProCharger supercharger incorporates some uniquefeatures that separate it from other offerings in the GTO superchargermarket. For example, ProChargers incorporate a self-lubrication systemthat does not use engine oil but rather a specifically blended oil (thatshould be changed every 6,000 miles) and an internal oil pump to coatthe working components during startup. The pump then aerates the oilinto a fine mist for optimum protection under harsh operatingconditions. So, not only do you not have to punch a hole in the oil panfor an oil supply, but the use of the internal oiling system also allowsthe ProCharger to operate at a cooler temperature, since it's notcirculating hot engine oil through the aluminum housing. ProCharger alsoincorporates a stepped bearing design, meaning it uses two differentsize bearings on the impeller driveshaft to help equalize the thrustload, which adds to the longevity of the unit.
ProCharger's air-to-airintercooler is a maintenance-free unit utilizing a straight- forwardapproach to intercooling but with some unique engineering built in.Besides being efficient (70 percent plus), these intercoolers areactually designed with a bit of restriction built in to promote more airtime in the core for heat transfer. Even with these restrictionsengineered in, the entire system creates only a 2-psi pressure drop.This allows cooler, denser air to enter the cylinders, and when combinedwith more timing and extra fuel, it makes for one heck of a powerincrease.
Now that you have had a glimpse into what makes the ProChargertick, let's perform an install on an '04 GTO!