Nothing can ruin a race night like the failure of a head gasket. You'll lose purse money and could face a substantial repair bill in the process. In order to avoid these catastrophes, racers have been searching for better gaskets. As power levels grow, the demands on these parts also increase. They need to have the ability to perform under maximum power without failing.
Cometic Gasket has developed the multilayer steel gasket set that is standing up to the torture of the racing engine. The Cometic gasket does not require an O-ring. By not using the O-ring, Cometic gaskets offer reduced distortion at the top of the bores. The multilayer steel gaskets, known as MLS gaskets, spread the clamping load more evenly around the cylinder bore. There can be as much as 0.004-inch deflection before leakage will occur.
The Cometic MLS gasket is no secret to drag racers and import racers who have been using them on their cars. The top oval track engine builders are beginning to find the advantages for their applications as well. Drag racers have found that the Cometic head gasket is not the weak link because other parts will fail before the head gasket lets go. That could help keep those repair bills down to a manageable level. Cometic offers gaskets for all popular engine sizes.