Last month, HPP documented Jim Taylor of Jim Taylor Engine Service in Phillipsburg, N. J. identifying, disassembling and cleaning a 1963 Tri-Power setup. The plan is to build a 1965 system using a 1965 intake with 1963 carbs and to make it concours correct for a 1965 GTO, a job that's increasingly difficult as original units become more and more abused. As work progressed, Jim found many incorrect internal components, and Taylor walked us through the hows and whys of a good induction system gone wrong. When we left off last month, the carbs and manifold had been disassembled, and Jim had begun repairing a center carb and its integral throttle shaft assembly, which suffered from plugged idle mixture screws, a warped body, and bent throttle plates. For this installment, Jim began to disassemble the throttle flange by grinding off the factory-distorted ends of the throttle blade screws with a carbide bit. He was then able to remove them with a screwdriver, slip the warped blades out, remove the throttle shaft return spring, and remove the throttle shaft.
The photos and captions that follow tell the rest of the tale.