Project RamRodder Rollcage Install - Street Rodder Magazine

Project RamRodder Rollcage Install - Street Rodder Magazine

When we began Project RamRodder the intention was to build a gasser for the street that we could also bracket race from time to time--in other words from the outset it was obvious some concessions in the car’s design would have to be made. We turned down the boost on the Weiand-huffed Hemi to make it docile around town and chose a Gearstar overdrive automatic so it could be driven on the highway. The straight axle up front and the ladder bars in the rear aren’t the ideal combination for corner carving or ride quality but they are necessary for the attitude the Plymouth just had to have. Something else we knew we would include was a rollbar, both for the look we were after as well as the protection it would provide.

Project RamRodder Rollcage Install - Street Rodder Magazine

While most race sanctioning bodies have similar rollbar requirements, anyone thinking of running their car at the drags, Bonneville, or on a road course should check with the sponsoring organization for specific requirements. In our case we were going to install a simple rollbar adequate to meet NHRA’s requirements for the speeds and e.t. we expected this car would achieve, but after looking through the Art Morrison Enterprises catalog we changed our plan.

Art Morrison offers a variety of rollbars and ’cages all in kit form. We originally planned on using either a four- or eight-point rollbar (points refer to the number of attachments to the chassis) made from 1-3/4 inch, 0.134-inch wall steel tubing but opted to go for a full 10-point ’cage made of 1-5/8 inch, 0.134 inch wall tubing. While it’s certainly overkill, we felt this design would add to the strength in part for the chassis.

Ordering any of Art Morrison’s rollbars or ’cages is simply a matter of filling out a form that asks for all the pertinent measurements. Art Morrison’s engineer then turns out a CAD blueprint that is then fed into a computer-guided mandrel bender--not long after a pre-cut kit will arrive at your door.

Although all the necessary bends are made, the various lengths of tubing will have to be cut to the proper length and where necessary the ends have to be notched. The most effective way to do that is with a tubing notcher, ours came from Speedway Motors.

Building a rollbar from Art Morrison’s kit is simple enough, the trick is to measure carefully and tack-weld all the pieces in place before making them permanent. Also keep in mind that every sanctioning body we’re aware of wants to see the welds, so no grinding or filling is allowed.

While a rollbar (or ’cage) isn’t something most of us think of as a necessity, in reality for many street rods they make sense--for fiberglass cars, anything without a roof, or with enough horsepower to get your attention they can add structural integrity and they may even prevent injuries to someone you care for when the unexpected happens.