Like many old trucks out there, my ’68 came with all the extra add-ons and “upgrades” that the previous owners deemed necessary at some time or another. Eyelet bolts installed along each bedside, “custom” mudflaps behind each tire, long-haul fuel tanks behind the cab, a 200-pound stepper bumper out back, and the two things we’re gonna get rid of this month, those bitchin’ oversized side mirrors. They’re not exactly svelte when it comes to style; the chrome and glass have seen better days, and they don’t match the style that we’re going for with the build.
The solution? Replace those big ugly monsters with a pair of round, stock mirrors from Brothers Trucks. Made from stainless steel and polished to a show finish, they look great right outta the box and will be way easier to maintain than a pair of chrome numbers.
But it’s a bit more involved than simply swapping out one for the other. Since the mounting bolt patterns are nowhere near the same, the existing holes in the doors will need to be filled and ground smooth before the new mirrors can be installed. The only bummer with doing this process is that if you didn’t plan on painting the truck anytime soon, you’re going to have to live with a couple off-colored sections on both doors, but hey, I didn’t say it would be easy!
I decided that I could live with a couple of multi-colored doors for a while in exchange for getting rid of those tacky mirrors, so off they came and into the garbage they went before I filled the holes and mounted the new mirrors. I think the end result speaks for itself and it makes me happy when I can bring things back to stock spec in an afternoon … as long as it looks good! CCT