Part I: The Body
Paintwork is like voodoo to many hobbyists, in that few know how much effort goes into creating a really stunning one unless they've done it.
Back in the '70s and '80s, there were discount chains that would paint any car for around $100. That price has increased nearly four-fold today, and anyone who remembers those vintage TV ads must wonder how a $100 paint job back-then could possibly become a multi-thousand dollar custom one today. First, keep in mind the top-shelf custom jobs are done for high profile show cars that participate in high profile shows like SEMA, ISCA (International Show Car Association), and World of Wheels. Second, remember that not all paint and prep work are created equal.
Comparing the paint that was applied to your daily driver back in the '70s or '80s to the House of Kolor (HOK) paint system that will be applied to this '69 Firebird convertible is akin to comparing the quarter-mile performance of a '29 Oakland to that of a Warren Johnson Pro Stocker. Times, technology, and materials have changed. When it comes to prep work, the low-dollar jobs of old were generally scuff and shoot deals that got you a couple of coats of low-cost paint directly over your old paint.
Today, if you want show-quality paint that fits your budget, you will seek out a shop like Classic Restorations in Pine Island, New York. Classic will apply any system that you desire after removing from your Pontiac all the trim, rubber, and glass; then stripping the body to bare metal and performing the required bodywork and sanding.
A single-stage urethane paint job, which requires primer, sealer, and multiple color coats, can be done to maintain a budget or to replicate a factory '60s-'70s style. A two-stage urethane system adds multiple coats of clear over the color coats for deeper appearing metallics, or a multi-stage pearl will provide that translucent glow found in the most modern paint systems. For this story, Classic is using a top-of-the-line House Of Kolor Kosmic Kandy urethane enamel system for owner Melvin Benzaquen's Firebird.
House of Kolor has been producing custom paints for more than five decades. Frustrated with the lack of quality inherent in '50s paints, custom painter and company founder Jon Kosmoski set out to develop more durable finishes that retained their brilliance. He opened House Of Kolor in 1956 and the company has been an industry leader ever since. Currently owned by Valspar, HOK is still producing state-of-the-art paint systems in jaw-dropping hues.
According to HOK, "Our Kosmic Kolor urethane enamel Kandys provide fantastic gloss and depth. Available in 20 stunning translucent colors, they are crack resistant and can be applied over any of our Shimrin' Universal Base Coats, Kustom Bases, or Kustom Pearls."
Follow along to see what is required to produce a finish that drives show goers wild.
If you plan on driving your Pontiac on a regular basis, you will probably be better off with a two-stage paint system. If, however, you are shooting for the most attention at national events, where the competition is fierce and the finish means everything, this HOK Kosmic Kandy urethane enamel system will not disappoint.
Specific instructions for shooting Kandy paint
These are straight from HOK.
First 2-3 Coats
Final Coats
House Of Kolor Materials List
Body Products UsedPart #ItemAmountPricePerKU-151Exempt Catalyst1 quart$76.36gallonKV-150Exempt Catalyst4 quarts$76.36quartKC-20Post Sanding Cleaner1 gallon$36.89 gallonKS-12 Ko-Seal II Metallic Primer3 quarts$190.92 gallonSG-100Intercoat Clear2 quarts$117.94 gallonUFC-35Kosmic Urethane Flo-Klear1 gallon$149.01 gallonRU-311Medium Reducer5 gallons$58.70 gallonKC-10 Wax and Grease Remover1 gallon$34.04 gallonBC-12Zenith Gold2 quarts$45.51quartMBC-01Pale Gold Metallic3 quarts$160.25quartUK-08Tangerine Kandy2 quarts$64.76quartKP-2CFAKwikure Epoxy Primer3 quarts$147.41gallonKP-2CFAKwikure Epoxy Activator3 quarts$130.14gallon $2,182.94
Graphics Products UsedU00-P02Pin Stripe Reducer ½ pint$19.97 pintU03-B06Red Striping Enamel1 bottle$15.61 pintPBC-44Snowwhite Pearl1 quart${{{90}}}.55 quartBC-26White Basecoat½ gallon$181.01gallonKS-10White Ko-Seal II Primer1 pint$108.24 pint $415.38 Total CostBlocking labor prior to paint (50 hours at $70 per/hr)$3,500.00Materials (paint, etc.)$2,598.32Paint labor (15 hours at $70 per/hr)$1,050.00Wet sand, buff, and polish (40 hours at $70 per/hr)$2,800.00$9,948.32 Mixing ComponentsItemMixed WithAndKP21-A Kwikure Epoxy Primer, 1-partKP21-B Kwikure Epoxy Primer, 1-partRU311 Reducer, 1-partKS-12 KoSeal II, 4-partsKU150 Exempt Catalyst, 1-partRU311 Reduce up to 10%BC12 Zenith Gold, 2-partsRU311 Reducer, 1-part---BC01 Pale Gold Shimrin" Metajuls, 2-partsRU311 Reducer, 1-part---UK-08 Tangerine Kandy, 2-partsRU311 Reducer, 1-partKU150 Exempt Catalyst, 1-part SG-{{{100}}} Intercoat Clear, 2-partsRU311 Reducer, 1-part---UFC-35 Kosmic Urethane Flo-Klear, 2-partsRU311 Reducer, 1-partKU150 Exempt Catalyst, 1-part7 Ways To Save On Paint And Body
1. Turn a three-stage paint job into a two-stage paint job. Your painter can use a Prophet (a special camera) to read the color you desire and have the formula converted to two-stage. Not all three-stage paint systems can be converted, but a few examples of ones that can are Cadillac Diamond White and GMC Envoy Platinum Ice.
2. Don't "paint it black" like the Rolling Stones. Black reflects everything, so bodywork, sanding, and polishing require more time, effort, and cost.
3. If it's cool graphics you're after, you like the color of your Pontiac already, and the paint is in good condition, just paint the graphics onto the existing paint job. Want to see how good it can look? Check out this '97 T/A.
4. If you are repainting your Pontiac the same color, don't paint the jambs unless you really need to. They take a long time to prep and tape. Use 3M aperture tape, a rolled foam tape, on the jamb edge. It fills in the area so there is no overspray or paint line.
5. Non-metallic may look better without clear, especially on black and white cars. You can mix a bit of clear in the final coat to add a bit of translucence.
6. Don't use lacquer primer, as it's not compatible with urethane or enamel paint.
7. Don't use no-name products or the savings will be short lived. Don't mix paint systems- ever. You have no recourse with the manufacturer if a defect arises.
As you can see, this is not a paint system for the faint of heart or light of wallet, but the results are very impressive. Total labor exceeded 55 hours in painting, graphics, wet sanding, and polishing. This is not counting the block-sanding prep prior to the first primer sealer coat. At $70 per hour for labor, this is a substantial investment. The material amounts and costs are listed in the sidebar.
This paint system will get your show Pontiac noticed from five blocks away, and everyone will ask about it. Keep in mind, however, that your ride must be meticulously cared for once this paint is applied. Yes, it's very durable, but given the amount of steps required to do it, repairs will certainly be more time consuming than paint systems with less stages.