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One Girl's Trash Is Another Man's Collector's Item
Letter Of The Month
I just wanted to say thank you for the "Turning Japanese" article in the October issue, long have I pondered what took you 10 minutes to explain, very informative. Also, I was wondering if you could give me any personal info on model Tara Love... Home address...? Phone number...? I just want to go through her trash for discarded underwear and nail clippings.
P.S. That is one tight S2K on page 81, the black one with Spoon and Toyo Tires logos on the side, and a Hello Kitty sticker on the bumper... the picture should have been way bigger. But other than that huge mistake, you guys are doing great!
Jeremy R.
Via the Internet
As for the creepy request for Tara's personal info, you're on your own. You might check eBay for discarded panties, as those seem to be increasing in popularity. On the unfortunate side, most of the certified-pre-owned panty collectors are rich old men so you might have difficulty scoring a pair for under $60. On the fortunate side, it's your lucky month, because the black S2000 you are also longing for happens to be our Quickie feature in this issue!

Green-Green With Envy!
In your October 2008 SuperStreet, you have an article "Turning Japanese," pgs 68 thru 72. on page 70, you have a picture of an EK4 SiR. It's green. I'd really, really like to know what color that is because I think it might be the best green I've ever seen. (The best green I've ever seen for sure! -SK) Any help you could provide would be great!
via the internet
Well Erik you'll be happy to know that I not only know the color of that car, but I am actually an owner of a MGP hatchback myself. The color is called Midori Green Pearl (color code GY16P) and it was offered only on 1996 models of USDM Civic hatchbacks. It is an extremely nice color compared to most OEM Honda schemes of the same era and even looks as if it were aftermarket, thanks to it's 3 stage pearl. The word Midori in Japanese means, among other things, "green". My friends and I have always found it ironic that the name of the color is essentially "green green pearl." By the time you are reading this, you will most likely have caught a glimpse of my car in the November issue, but this month there is a full intro in the Our Garage section. -SK.
Kiss And Tell
While waiting for an appointment at the hospital one afternoon I was reading the latest issue of Super Street, my toddler decided to release some energy and started running everywhere. I finally grabbed hold of her, after receiving looks of annoyance from others. I told her that if she didn't start behaving she wouldn't get ice cream after we finished. To my horror, she looked me in the eye and said in a loud voice, 'If you don't let me go right now, I will tell Grandma that I saw mommy kissing your pee-pee last night!' The silence was deafening after this enlightening exchange. Even the nurses stopped what they were doing. I scooped up magazine, walked out of the doctor's office dragging my daughter. When I heard the door close behind me, all I heard was rousing laughter. I'm not just sure... I'm HIV positive
Alex Waltman
Via the Internet
That story had about as little to do with SS as our responses typically have to do with these letters, but at least it was vaguely entertaining. The key ingredient to the story is how open-ended it is, and how many questions it leaves us with. Why were you at the doctor's office? What was mommy wearing? Is grandma a GILF? Were you always HIV positive, or was that your test result?
You Guys Sell Cars, Right?
I just thought that I'd compliment you all on this great magazine full of badass cars. One thing that I have noticed though is that there are not a lot of 3000GT tuners out there. I have a 3000GT, and for a couple of months now, I have not seen a single picture of a 3000GT. Not even on the car sales section (car sales section, WTF!?- SK). I was just wondering if maybe you all could look for 3000GTs to put up on the magazines in order to get hints and tips. I see a lot of Hondas of course... duh! I have a Honda and your magazine has been real helpful, but I just thought that I'd ask for that favor... still love the magazine and have already subscribed to it. Props to everyone that puts the effort in!
Via the Internet
While we still aren't convinced you were trying to contact SS rather than Autotrader, you solved your own paradox right in the second sentence of your letter. There are simply not a lot of 3000GT tuners out there, thus there are very few cars to feature. Why this is, we aren't quite sure, but what we are sure of is that our Group Art Director was offering up his 3000GT for free to anyone who wanted it... which was exactly nobody. But don't let that keep you down, maybe you need to be the one who steps the 3000GT game up a notch and get published.
The White-Smoke House
When are we gonna see a write-up on Cindy McCain? Can you imagine having someone in the White House that likes drifting?
Mike Morgan
Puyallup, WA
Fiending For The Hinas
It sounds like we have found another reader that has more fun "looking" at the girls than Terrence does photographing them. Just remember while you're "looking" at our magazine stay alert and keep those butt cheeks clenched tightly, you don't want to be ransacked by some 350lb man yelling "who's the hina now!"
Is there something you want to tell us? Send us your letters at [email protected] and with some luck, yours will be picked. We reserve the right to edit your letters for clarity and grammatical errors or simply for the hell of it. Bonus points awarded for proper punctuation and grammar.