It's no secret that Honda theft in America is at an all-time high. Log on to your favorite Honda forum for proof. The "I can't believe it happened to me" threads are scattered across the web daily and it's getting worse.
The National Insurance Crime Bureau reports that the '95 Honda Civic is stolen more often than any other car in America. Stop and let that sink in for just a moment. Of the thousands of potential freebies out there, the econo-box that many wouldn't take a second glance at is the big sitting duck. The Acura Integra and Honda Accord also find their way onto the top-ten list that nobody wants to be on. Of course, the main reason that so many Hondas are picked off is ironically one of the things we like most about the brand: their compatibility with one another. Just about everything from a '94-'01 Integra will fit numerous Civic generations as if the parts were made for them, and a base-model Civic is just begging for its Si counterpart goods. Smash-and-grab theft is just as prevalent. The shiny iPod sitting on top of your center console could be the reason you walk out of the movie theater to find a broken window and an insurance headache.

Surprisingly, you can adequately protect your ride with little to no money, but don't kid yourself: No matter how much you spend, if somebody wants what you've got, they're taking it-a flat-bed trailer and/or a criminal's weapon of choice will always beat out even the most state-of-the-art security measures. But, with some foresight and some preparation, it's easy to make the thief's job that much harder and, with any luck, it just might be enough to spoil their plans for the night. Also, keep in mind that no single security option is entirely foolproof, and a system of security layers is often all it takes to frustrate a thief enough to call it quits. As with anything, some options are expensive, while others are practically free. Follow along as we shed some light on the world of Honda security.
Common Sense Not letting your car get stolen all begins with a little bit of common sense. Pay attention to where you park and avoid the shadier parts of town if you can. Lock your doors, roll up your windows, and don't leave your iPod or a laptop in plain sight when you're not around. You might also consider keeping your car off of everyone's radars. Post-whoring on the forums with your license plate in plain sight makes it easy for thieves to track you down and know what to nab once they find your car.

Baby Monitoring Wal Mart's baby aisle might be the last place you'd expect to gather auto security items, but it shouldn't be. A simple one-way audio or video baby monitor could be just what you need to keep tabs on your ride while at school, work, or even in the middle of the night. Stick the monitor on your dash (preferably in plain sight) and set the receiver close to you. Make sure the volume's turned up and prepare to sleep easy. You'll have to be a heavy sleeper to not get woken up from the sound of breaking glass.
Pros: Budget spy tactics are always cool.
Cons: It isn't foolproof though, especially for heavy sleepers or when thieves carry weapons.
Not-Cheap Tracking Devices Tracking systems like LoJack and OEM solutions work alongside law enforcement to locate stolen cars. These types of systems typically need to be installed by an authorized dealer for them to be configured appropriately, which means you'll sometimes pay hefty labor fees. Most of these also won't tell you if your car's been stolen - they simply track it for you once you've reported it to the police.
Pros: The stealth installation may catch thieves off guard and bust 'em.
Cons: Expensive equipment, most have annual or monthly fees, and if thieves are aware of it, they may be able to strip the car down before they're located by authorities. Most systems won't alert authorities until the vehicle is reported stolen.