Here's where we act like we know something technical about cars. Feel free to ask us about your technical troubles by writing to us at [email protected] or Super Street c/o Tech Support, 831 S. Douglas St. El Segundo, CA 90245. You can also include a picture of your project or tech problem if it will help describe anything really complicated.
To RB Or Not To Rb, That Is The Question
Q I have a 1995 240SX and I want to do a swap. I like the RB25 because of the horsepower and that it is more rare in a 240. I know that it will cost a lot and this could be an issue with after market parts. I also want to drift this car. Is the RB25 going to be too heavy to drift? The main question is: which engine would you choose? SR or RB? Also where would you recommend I buy one of these engines? Also do you know of any good shop to install it in California? Keep up the good work SS!
Zane Petty
A The problem with this argument is that both motors are excellent for different reasons; in fact our very own editor Charles has been trying to decide between these (and other) engine swaps for his S14 for months. The RB25 would be our choice if budget wasn't an issue. It's a little more expensive but has the potential to make killer power, but again extracting additional ponies will also come at a premium. The RB25 is plenty light to drift and has been used in many drift cars. The best experiences we've had with sourcing engines and doing installs would be the SR20 Store ( ), as for mounts check out Syko Performance ( If you decide to install the motor yourself, Syko even has a step-by-step DIY DVD for RB swaps.

Coiled Over
Q I have a 2000 Toyota Celica. (Okay enough laughter.) I need some coilovers for it, but I need some information from you guys. First I can't go with TEIN, KW or any high-end stuff since I want to save my money for a better ride. What reasonably priced coilover do you think is the best? I did some research but it went nowhere. I would go into one forum and they would praise one brand; then on a different forum they would say the opposite so I need your opinion.
Arturo Hurtado
Via the Internet
A Our personal recommendation for entry-level suspension systems would be Suspension Technique's latest coilovers. You mentioned liking KW and as a matter of fact the ST stuff is made right off the same assembly line and shares a majority of parts with the KW line. They don't have gimmicky features like 82-way adjustability that some of the knock-off coilover brands have but these pieces are built to last and really work. For more info check out Sean's KW story or ST's website at
20 Questions
Q I own a 2007 Chevy Aveo hatch. I want to build it up. I was wondering what engines could I put in it? If I change the engine, do I have to change the tranny too? What else can I do to improve the performance and the overall looks on the outside and interior? Could I get a wide body kit and different lights? What are the biggest wheels that will fit?
Shahen Harilal
A Cool. Cool. Any engine you have the time and money to put in. Depends on the engine but most likely. Nitrous, paint, seats. Maybe. No idea. Commence forum bashing... now!
Stupid Deutsch Bags
Q I'm sure you get a lot of people asking for advice on shops and tuners you recommend. I have a similar one but it is a bit tricky. I currently am stationed overseas in the Landstuhl Germany area and I am having no luck on finding a shop that can help me out. It took me a while to find one that even knew what a boost leak test was which I thought was crazy. Anyhow I have a Evo 9 and I know it's running on a terrible tune and if you could point me in any direction I would greatly appreciate it. The only option I have right now is doing email tunes with Mellon or something similar to that.

William Wilson
A Fortunately for you, when Sean was over in Germany he met a fellow named Andrew that owns a shop called Import Racing ( ) that specializes in... wait for it... Evos and other AWD vehicles. They seem extremely knowledgeable and have some of the fastest time attack cars in Germany. According to Google Maps they're about an hour and a half away from you so give them a call and tell them Jesus, the hipster with skinny jeans and a beard, from Super Street sent you!
Oh Noes, Teh Redlienz Buzted
Q I have a '90 240SX and it won't float at the redline. When I try to redline, it gets to the redline or close to it then goes straight to idle and won't rev again for a few seconds. What can it be?
Victor Cruz
A It's probably your car recovering from your stupidity. First of all, why would anyone intentionally try to keep their car at redline? It's extremely bad for the engine to maintain those types of speeds for prolonged periods and that's why a governor is implemented in the first place. The KA in your car is probably on its last legs by now but even if it were new we wouldn't advise attempting to "float at the redline".
Another Brick In The Wall
Q I'm at a wall in the road here when it comes to researching the history on my Si-VTEC Integra. I'm trying to find a factory list of all options it came with from Honda or any dealer or buyer options. I have tried almost everything and guess I need some inside help. I know you have featured an Si-VTEC teg so I'm hoping maybe you have some info or a place where I can look. Thank you so much if you can help me.

Radd Villarial
A When it comes to super-nerdy Honda information we know we can always count on Sean. He came up with this link for you: You can thank him by sending cash or personal checks to our address to his attention.