Here's where we act like we know something technical about cars. Feel free to ask us about your technical troubles by writing to us at [email protected] or Super Street c/o Tech Support, 831 S. Douglas St. El Segundo, CA 90245. You can also include a picture of your project or tech problem if it will help describe anything really complicated.

Lack of oxygen... Sensor
Q I have an EG Si with a LS/VTEC turbo swap and the car didn't come with an 02 sensor. Which one do I use? An EX/Si or a B-series 02 sensor? And are all B-series 02 sensors the same?
Mign Bou
Via the Internet
A Pretty much all Honda 02 sensors are interchangeable from OBD1 on sharing the same thread size, pitch and pigtail connections. The main difference from model-to-model would be the length of wire, as long as the length is adequate to reach the other end of the connector on your harness, you should be good to go. Assuming you're still on an OBD1 system you only need one 02, but anything past 1996 will have a Primary 02 (before the cat) and Secondary 02 (after the cat) to comply with OBD2 standards.
Du Hasst Mich Intakestein
Q I am currently assigned to Ramstein AB Germany, which is a blessing in two ways. First the beer is legendary, but secondly and most importantly, I have the opportunity to own my dream car - a R32 Nissan Skyline GT-R. Now this car is already a pleasure to drive, it's Mine's tuned, need I say more? I am planning on doing some work to it, starting by replacing the stock 02 sensor and getting rid of those pesky and restrictive MAFs and replacing them with a MAP sensor. Now to my question, I really want to replace my stock intake. I have found a few including the A'PEXi Super Suction kit, which I think would be best. I just wanted to see if you had any suggestions?
Jim Gettis
Via the Internet

A Holy Shit, Ramstein Is One Of Our Favorite Bands!
That's awesome that you live with them, what's that like? Probably super epic, we can only imagine the drunken shenanigans you must get into! Anyway on to your suction dilemma. Any properly manufactured aftermarket intake will probably do wonders for the car and contrary to the name, the A'PEXi unit doesn't suck, it rocks. That would be a safe bet in our book.
Hey What's Up, I'm Pretty Into Cars
Q The name's Jake; they call me Jack, from New Castle, PA and I'm 17 and just starting to get pretty into cars and absolutely love Hondas. I'm about to get a Civic coupe with any luck. But on that note, I was wondering what exactly is a 'after-cat' exhaust system? I would love to fix this car up and make it a nice tuner but I have a lot to learn yet.
Via the Internet
A Jake err Jack... or JTZ - whatever the hell your name is, the 'after-cat' is really a mythical tuning piece, much like a MoTeC-system exhaust. Everyone has heard about it from one time to another but nobody has ever seen one in its native environment. Actually we're just pulling your chain, Jake Jack. After-cat is a phrase describing an exhaust system that runs from the catalytic converter out to the back of the exhaust system, hence the name. Other examples would be axle-back (rear section only) or turbo-back (down-pipe, cat delete and exhaust) or header-back (cat delete and exhaust).
Picture Me Slide'n'!
Q First off I'd like to say that you guys put out a killer mag every month! I really love the Datsun 240Z style. But I also love drifting and I was wondering if the 240Z platform would be any good? I understand that with enough skill anything is driftable, but being a noob like me I was wondering if it would be a good starting platform and one that could accommodate my improvements, as I get better at drifting? Keep up the good work.
Phil S.
Via the Internet
A While there's no denying the S30 looks bad as hell, it's really ill-equipped for drifting. Although it does have independent rear suspension, the suspension setup is pretty outdated and aftermarket support is extremely limited for key drift components. As played out as they are you'd be a lot better off choosing a car like the S13 for ease of parts and a good starting platform. And if you do go with the S13 route there is a company called Sankei Auto that makes a "Z80" conversion, which puts a 240Z frontend onto an S13 hatch... best of both worlds?

Master Of The Six Speed
Q I've got a B14 200SX and I'm thinking about swapping in the motor from a 2003 Sentra SE-R Spec V. I'm wondering would the motor be able to fit my engine bay, without having to mess around on the firewall? What all components would it require and an approximate cost, just to get an idea of what I'm looking at? Love the mag and keep up the awesome work!
Khambrel W.
Via the Internet
A Although you probably won't have to modify the firewall, the conversion won't be simple. At the very least, you'll need the motor, transmission, shifter assembly, shifter cables, axles, hubs, wiring, ECU and clutch master and lines. It would be a lot cheaper and easier to swap in a FWD SR like the SR20VE from Japan. For more info on the SR swap take a look at Project Car #11 as they've done a similar install.
Guy Smiley
Q I've owned a 1975 Toyota Celica ST since 1981 (my first car) and I would like to rebuild it and put on smiley bumpers. Is it possible without doing any modifications? I'm also thinking about doing a 1JZGTE engine swap. Will the firewall, steering column and rear axle have to be modified? Also I'd like to drop the car down a few inches but I wanted to know if I could still use 17'' wheels and have clearance? Thanks for your help.
Via the Internet

A Unfortunately, the smiley front end is a little more involved than you were hoping; you have to physically shorten the front end (cut and weld) and make your own rear-valance and weld it on. As far as the 1J is concerned, we've seen it done, but again it's going to take some serious welding and fabrication skills; at the very least you'll have to make your own crossmember and transmission mount. Some cutting of the firewall and transmission tunnel might also be necessary. You would probably have very little clearance for a wheel that large but why would you want to run anything that crazy anyway? The 14s are the perfect size wheel for your car and we wouldn't recommend running anything over 15''.