Looking Good
When are basketball shorts, an XXL hoodie and flip flops with socks acceptable attire to wear outside of any athletic activity?
A) first date with your new facebook hookup
B) A night out on the town with the homies
C) To school
D) None of the above, i'm staying home with Pamela handerson

The Super Street Way
If your answer was anything besides D, may the angels in high heaven come down to slap a little sense into you. To help sort you out, we enlisted the help of three of the hippest cats in the scene: Lisa fleming, Dai Yoshihara and RJ DeVera, to offer you a sneak peek into their wardrobes. They took us to each of their favorite shops in the L.A. area where anyone can walk out looking like a winner. Just remember to develop your own personal style, because nobody likes a biter.

Special Thanks:
Brandon Leung at Bowls, Victor and michael carillo at chocolate crocodile, Jay and Dom at Brooklyn Projects, mark Arcenal at fatlace, Jim Redner at BNc PR, Andy Yen at Best Of, Brian mabutas at Eat Sleep Race