Motorola Motoming
I'm glad you're reading the description on this phone, because at first glance, it kind of looks like it might be modeled after those clear plastic toilet seats at Home Depot. The real beauty is that this is the first Motorola phone to feature MOTOMING, which lets you write a word on the screen and it will speak the word back to you in another language. I'm am so hyped on this because I often travel to other countries assuming that they speak English and have to play charades the entire time.
Nokia N800
Remember when people used to say that someday technology and robots would take over the world? Well maybe humanity ends up like Terminator, but until the cyborgs start killing us it's going to be really cool. The new Nokia N800 once again steps a little closer to implanting microchips in your brain with their slick, all-in-one package complete with widescreen Internet browsing, a webcam, Skype calling, text messaging and email.
Dell UltraSharp 2707WFP Monitor
So my cable service was disconnected again. Half of that bill is actually late charges from the last bill and it just doesn't seem fair that I have to pay it. So I've decided to just buy a larger monitor for my computer and watch the stack of DVDs I have on the floor of my office and reconnect when Sopranos is back on. The Dell 27-inch flat panel features TrueColor that gives your image deeper reds, sparkling whites and crisper blues, which is perfect because I have the box set of Shark Week.
Sansa Connect MP3 Player
The newest MP3 player from Sandisk's audio line. The Connect is WiFi enabled, letting you keep connected to your music and friends with ease.
Fujifilm IS-1 Digital Camera
I actually found out about this camera in a chat room about C.S.I. Las Vegas. Its not like I'm a huge fan of the show, but I do have a unhealthy obsession with Marg Helgenberger. Anyway, the IS-1 from Fujifilm was developed for the law enforcement field to capture images in the infrared spectrum so that they can capture evidence not seen by the naked eye. Available soon in New York, Miami and Las Vegas.
M-Audio Torq Xponent
M-Audio helps shorten the gap between traditional DJ equipment and the increasingly popular performance software with the Torq Xponent. Combining the standard two-channel DJ mixer features and the controls of two DJ CD players, you'll be able to cue, mix and scratch your digital tracks without having to deal with a host computer.
Mobiblu Cube2The guys at the car wash must love me because behind my seat is literally hundreds of dollars worth of small gadgets and gizmos. Upon a diligent vacuuming and discovery of my lost Mobiblu Cube2 they will begin to enjoy the "world's smallest multimedia player" for themselves and the fact that it not only plays MP3s, but has video, image, FM radio and voice recording capabilities so they can send me audio tracks of them laughing at my expense.
Logitech X-240 Speakers
My desk is well organized, but it looks like I've been watching interior design shows and snorting crushed diet pills. I use CDs as coasters, I can't hear my speakers because they're doubling as bookends, and my iPod is docked in a hole I cut into an empty water bottle with an exacto knife. Thankfully, Logitech comes to my rescue with the X-240 speaker system that has a dock for your iPod or Zune that neatly tucks away when not in use.
JVC HD Everio GZ-HD7 Camcorder
JVC's new GZ-HD7 camera is their first HD camcorder with 16:9 progressive scan CCDs.. Right? Ok what that actually means is, this camera is the same quality as a professional camera, but for the normal consumer. So if you shoot video of your friend doing the same boardslide on a three-step handrail and send it to a skate company, the reason he doesn't get sponsored is because he can't ride, not because your footage isn't on par with a professional videographer.
Gateway FX530
The new Gateway FX530 is a serious machine. The massive storage capabilities, dual graphics cards, and quad-core processors are enough to make anyone (uh almost anyone, some people...ok, just us geeks) get off the couch and cop one. But the real deal sealer is the factory overclocking that lets you push your machine to the limits without creating a complete Frankenstein.
Yeah Casio! The new EXILIM EX-V7 solves my glitch with tiny cameras suddenly not being so tiny when you turn them on or having to paparazzi someone by taking photos four inches from their face. With all the features that make the EXILIM line dope and a serious 7x optical zoom, you'll be able to keep it James Bond from across the room.
Apple iPhone
If you've been in an abandoned house for the last month smoking crack, allow me to catch you up to speed. Drugs are bad; Hilary Clinton is really running for President, gas is still expensive and Apple has finally given us proof of the iPhone. By the time you get out of rehab it'll be available.