Apple G5 and 30-inch Apple Cinema DisplayThanks to Apple, the 3k I dropped on a G4 and 20-inch monitor last year is worthless. Not that it lost its value, but people will laugh at me because I don't have the dopest computer and biggest monitor. The new 30-inch monitor is worth selling your entire CD collection to scrape up the money to pay for it.
IBM ThinkPad T-SeriesWhen I finally get fired from this job, I am going to sell all my furniture, skip out on the rent, pack everything I own in my trunk, drive to Texas and live out of my car. What would I take you ask? A turtleneck sweater, toothbrush, and an IBM Thinkpad would be my only worldly possessions.
Apple Airport ExtremeWireless technology is the new stealing cable. My apartment is one of 60,000 in a square mile, so the chances of piggybacking someone else's connection is pretty good. If you are not broke and are paying for your own connection, make sure you outfit it with an Airport so the rest of us can still save some bucks.
Nikon D70If I understood the technological stuff on cameras, I would tell you the Nikon D70 is a great camera. Until I figure that shit out, you should probably just go with the fact that it looks cool.
Belkin TunerCast 2 Mobile FM TransmitterThere is no doubt that the iPod is the greatest gadget of the last two years, but trying to get it to work flawlessly in your car is a bit of a low-tech affair. Thanks to Belkin, you can play your iPod and have your car stereo pick up the transmission and broadcast your playlist inside your car.
GarageBand Jam PackApple's GarageBand is cool, but so is the pre-made beats your Casio keyboard had-at least for the first day you had it. The Jam Pack is the extension that will actually allow you to make the coolest beats this side of ProTools. More loops and more beats makes the software complete.
Alienware AuroraEvery time you see someone that has built his or her own computer it looks like hell. Alienware lets you configure your machine to fit your needs and packs it in one of the coolest cases around. Win-win, bitch.
Philips MZ1000I like to record myself laughing while listening to "When Doves Cry" and play it backwards so it sounds like Prince is telling me to "Do it, do it." Wait, maybe that is backwards. Well either way, when it comes to listening to music around the apartment, it will sound better on the MZ1000.
Siemens A65In "Widgets" we always feature a lot of cell phones. It's not that we think they are so great or anything; it's just that we have some sort of guilt because we don't call our moms enough. Thanks for giving me life; sorry I get busy and forget to check in.
Philips iProntoI try to always plan ahead, and now that I am apparently becoming a fat bastard there has never been a greater need. When the weight finally makes me bed-ridden, I want to still be able to watch all my favorite shows, movies and porn. Luckily Philips makes a universal remote for me, so I can change channels without having to get up and cause my knees to buckle from my own bulk.
Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ20Now that there are no more photo labs, the CIA can't monitor what people are taking pictures of. So they have developed a secret program to comb the trash dumps to find discarded memory cards. Although it is costing the taxpayers millions, it is the key to keeping tabs on all the dirty photos you can take with your Lumix.
Sony Ericsson Bluetooth Car Handsfree HCB-300Bluetooth is our new favorite technology-computers, cell phones, cars, and shopping carts. It is a little known fact that Safeway has Bluetooth-enabled shopping carts; just program your phone to list all the things you need from the store, and when you start shopping it will contact the cart to go to the isles you need to get the stuff and print out any coupons that go with that item. Shit! That is a good idea.
TomTom GoIn Southern California it is almost a necessity to have a GPS in your car. Not that freeways are that complex, but they are 60 lanes wide and it takes at least three miles to merge from the fast lane to the exit. TomTom help you navigate, while you fight your way to the right.
LG8000 Cell phoneThe last cell phone I bought was online; the picture showed it to be small and sleek. When it arrived the box was the size of a Mini Cooper. Sure it was small, but it was two feet thick and looked like the one Don Johnson had on "Miami Vice." I can assure you that LG phones are sleek and stylish.
Delphi XM SKYFiThe XM system is actually pretty cool; the only draw back is it only plays songs by David Bowie. When I went online to see who that was, I found out it was some chick from the seventies who was also a model or something. I think "Fame" is a television show about a bunch of ballet dancers, who also work as welders and strip at night-but I could be wrong.