Installing A UUC E46 Ultimate Short ShifterLast time we checked, short-shifter kits were intended to make shifting easier. We have driven our share of BMWs and would like to point out that we've found some overly-stiff shift kits. We were never quite sure why they felt stiff, but our guess was the rods were placed at weird angles that resulted in excessive force needed to shift into certain gears. UUC claims to have fixed this issue with its newly redesigned Evo 3 Ultimate Short Shifter.
From the outside, the shifter looks similar to the Evo 2, but that's where the similarities end. The whole shifter assembly has been redesigned and the result is a short-shift kit that requires only slightly more effort to shift than the stock lever. The way UUC accomplished this was to change the size and shape of the shift lever itself, as well as changing all the corresponding linkage geometry. These two things, combined with different friction and pivot points, make the shifter less notchy to use than the previous attempts.
The kit still offers the same range of adjustment, starting at a 35 percent reduction at full height, to a bit over a 40 percent reduction when the lever is bottomed out. The Evo 3's upper section is constructed out of 6061 aluminum and still allows you to use your illuminated factory shift knob, if you have one. The lower section is one piece, constructed from T-304 stainless steel, and uses an integrated pivot ball. The lever can be adjusted from stock length to over 3/4-inch shorter, using a locking collar to hold it at the length you desire.
To put UUC's product to the test, we grabbed a BMW from the pile in the garage and drove to RENNsport to have it installed. In under an hour, the kit was in place and we were out "testing" it. Being the scientific types, we felt the only real way to test the shifter was to drive the car hard. What we mean by hard is trying to get the tires to squeal between gears, fast downshifts with and without rev matching and any other punishment we could invent. At the end of it all, the general consensus was that the only indication this wasn't a stock shifter was the reduced throw. So now it's time for us to put away our fancy science coats, go find a donut shop and think of more creative ways to beat the piss out of someone else's car. Yes, we know - it's a rough life.
Tech Facts:
UUC Motorwerks Ultimate Short Shifter EVO 3
Pertinent Info:
If you're looking for a short-shift kit for your E46 BMW, UUC may hold the answer. The company has redesigned its Ultimate Short Shifter and, while it may look the same, it's completely different from the Evo 2 Shifter. UUC claims it requires 20 percent less effort to shift than its last kit. What this means for you is no more hard pulls, thanks to the new lever design, reduced friction and pivot points, as well as improved linkage geometry.
Shameless Plug:
UUC Motorwerks, 732/398-0001, www.uucmotorwerks.com