Vaio Notebook VGN-X505
Why do people like monster trucks? Every day I get stuck on the freeway behind some joker in a huge pickup truck with off-road equipment that's only used to find parking at the river. Maybe these guys were beat as children and, like cops, are just scared little boys. Vaio notebooks are cool because they are small and carry a big stick.
Itunes 4.5
There are certain things you can use to judge a person that are exact barometers of their character. If you ever have your doubts about a person, check their itunes playlist-to much Morrissey means you might want to bail. The new iTunes has the "Party Shuffle" feature, which, although it's just a fancy name for "random," it mixes your entire library into a two-week jam.
Tascam TT-M1 Scratch Controller
The Tascam TT-M1 turns any turntable into a CD/MP3 scratcher, but allows you to use the controls like you were mixing with vinyl. This is a modern world.
Sony DCR_TRV460
You are a goddamn geek. If you think I am lying, then take the Sony TRV460 and record yourself for an entire day, then watch how many stupid things come out of your mouth. Turns out you do pick your nose, flounder with girls and talk to yourself in the car. For extra fun mount a camera to your back so you can see who gives you the bird every time you turn around.
2K Shirts
Everyone was raised in a broken home, but you should have had an uncle or someone tell you that you should wear an undershirt; nobody wants to see your chest hair hommie. When in doubt, wear one at all times. 2K makes dope shirts to help you out.
Sony Psyc NetMD Walkman
I don't wear headphones because I like music, it's actually because I have massive ears. My head looks like two tacos stuck on a watermelon. Wearing a walkman for ten hours a day is part of my treatment to lessen the amount my ears protrude. Luckily Sony makes a quality walkman so I can enjoy some music and try to ignore people calling me Wingnut.
Sony Ericsson Z600 (silver one) Would the dumbass with blocked numbers just stop calling me? Have I ever picked up your call? Stop complaining that I am ditching you. The two rules of cell usage are: don't answer blocked calls and don't keep your drug dealer's number on your phone list.
Sony Ericsson Z200 (red one) Does anyone have a home phone number anymore? When was the last time you called someone at home? Only people that live at their parents' house I guess.
Akai MPC1000 Don't get me wrong, I love Puffy, but after watching that show The Band, I am convinced that I could make an album. This MPC 1000 has so many built-in features, that I could easily sign with Bad Boy and make some tracks with that kid that sucks his thumb.
Numark Z Headphones Public transportation sucks. In Southern California it is undependable, confusing and almost unbearable. The only way to survive a long bus ride is to lie across three seats, piss yourself, and wear Numark headphones.
MOMA Miniature ChairsIf there are two things the 2NR staff hates, it's libraries and museums. There is obviously nothing more dangerous than learning-we do our part to "keep it real" by watching television. At work we are unable to get cable, so we spend the day online looking for porn. Recently we misspelled "moms" and found the Moma site, where we were stoked to find these little chairs.
Pioneer DJM-909 DJ Mixer Pioneer makes quality equipment and their DJM-909 is no exception, but their name makes me think of wagon trains, mustaches and Knott's Berry Farm. Is that just me?
Sony SDR-4X The company that owns 2NR is a massive New York conglomerate. It doesn't affect us and we never really cared before, as long as the checks cleared, but now they are replacing people with robots. Primedia has bought ten thousand Sony SDR-4X to run the company and streamline production. Luckily the 2NR staff will remain unmolested because it would cost more to remove the grammar and spelling knowledge from the robots to replace us.
Pentax Optio S4 The Pentax Optio S4 is small enough to fit inside an Altoids tin, but you can keep it inside a gumball machine.