With only one opportunity this year to visit Japan, we packed our trip with as many things to do as humanly possible. On one of our excursions, we visited Rando Sports in Osaka. Rando Sports is a premier provider of body kits and cosmetic accessories for step wagons, luxury sedans and sports cars. Body kits for the Toyota Ist (Scion xA) and EVO VIII are among the company's most popular offerings.

What's hot in Japan? Step wagons, says the owner of Rando. Step wagons are very practical in Japan--their tall, narrow shape make them easier to navigate the tight streets, yet they're capable of carrying a large payload. Also, they can be ordered fully equipped with everything from navigation systems to fully reclining rear seats.
Rando Sports has a showroom, full installation facility and a used-car sales department loaded with fixed-up step wagons. We even saw a fully loaded four-door Vitz with blister fenders selling for U.S. $7,500.