You probably consider yourself pretty Web savvy, huh? You spend way too much time at Tommy's Bookmarks, you've downloaded more than 50G of MP3s, and maybe you've even created your own Web shrine to your favorite JDM hairstyle.
And yet, you balk when it comes to enjoying one of the Internet's best features. No, we don't mean the clock ticking toward to the Olsen Twins' 18th birthday. We're talking about online shopping. For all the people who try to make a living buying and selling junk on eBay, there are still people who fear e-commerce. They're afraid of getting ripped off, that their credit card information will get jacked, or that the online business will go Chapter 11 before the parts ship. Or that the wrong parts will arrive, starting an endless nightmare of haggling with rude "customer service" representatives.
It doesn't have to be that way. Electronic commerce can be quick, easy, and incredibly convenient. To help you get the most out of your "click here to confirm your order" experience, we've collected tips and advice from several of the biggest online auto parts retailers on the Internet. They want your business, and they're trying hard to make the process as hassle-free as possible.
Step One: Buy from A Reputable BusinessA lot of what we gathered from our interviews was basic common sense. For example, to keep from getting taken, make sure you're dealing with a well-established business, not some smooth operator with nothing behind the cool-looking Web site and too-good-to-be-true prices. But as easy as it is to throw up a Web page these days, how do you tell the good guys from the crooks?
"Be wary of sites that don't give you a physical address for the business," said Ladona Hiell, director of customer relations for JCW Sport Compact by J.C. Whitney. "If the only way you can reach them is via e-mail, it's probably a good idea to stay away."
"A reputable site will offer information about the company," said Matt Dunshie, owner of Landspeed Racing. "We're currently redoing our site, and we'll post a dozen articles about our company, and have an area for customer feedback."
Another way to gauge the health of an online retailer is in your hands, literally. "It takes serious investment to conduct national advertising on a regular basis," explained Bobby Evans, NOPI's director of sales. If a company can afford to advertise, whether it's here or in other major magazines, it's a good sign the company will be around to fill and service your order.
If you still have doubts, contact the Better Business Bureau, Evans advises. "Or call the manufacturer of the part you want to buy. They'll be more than happy to refer you to a company that'll sell you its part."
Is it Safe?
One of the biggest online-buying fears is that credit card information is not secure. People are afraid it will get hacked, or that a bunch of unauthorized charges will start to appear on their statements. Web retailers work hard to keep hackers at bay by using encryption software and secure servers for credit card transactions.
"Any Internet site working through a secure server is actually much safer than handing your credit card to someone, like a waiter," said Cathy Milos, management information systems director for Stylin' Concepts. "Most people don't think twice about giving a credit card to someone in a restaurant, but we've heard stories of waiters having card readers in their pockets and scanning information while they're processing the food bill. Anytime you put your credit card in someone's hand, the information could get stolen," Milos said. When buying online, that doesn't happen.
"We update our site a couple of times a year to stay ahead of the hackers," said Landspeed Racing's Dunshie. "In eight years of doing business, we've never had problems with identity theft."
How do you know if the Web site you're visiting offers secure transactions? Look for notices on the homepage, like the gold "VeriSign Secure Site" logo, that indicate the business uses an encryption program. Or, during the ordering process, look for a small icon of a padlock in the bottom corner of the browser window. That means the transaction is secure.
What about the problem of someone using a stolen credit card to fund a major purchase, like a turbo motor buildup? Most of the companies we spoke with have in-house software that verifies a customer's personal information-name, phone number, date of birth-and matches it with the credit card number being used to place an order. If something doesn't match, a call goes out to the cardholder. "Sometimes that's the first indication a customer has that their card was stolen," said JCW's Hiell.
"There are things about an order that can make you suspicious," said Stylin' Concepts' Milos, "so we'll verify the order either over the phone or by e-mail. We're doing it to protect the customer, and if they know we're trying hard they'll feel better about ordering." What raises a red flag? Milos and others we spoke with were hesitant to give specific examples, as they didn't want to tip off any bad guys. Not that we suspect you, of course. But you gotta admit some of your brother's friends are pretty sketchy.
Not all verification calls are made because of potential fraud. Companies will also contact a customer if the online order isn't completed, or if it just doesn't look right. "If an intake is available in red, blue, or silver and no color choice is marked, we'll call," said Steve Lipa of JCW Sport Compact. "Or if the customer has ordered a part for an engine but no engine size was given in the order form. There are four million products available through our company, so it's not unusual for us to get customers who don't provide enough information."
Landspeed Racing takes the extra step of calling customers to verify every transaction. Every single one. "Even if we didn't complete an order, we'll place a courtesy call to see if we can fix any problems they may have had with the site, or problems finding the right part," said Dunshie. His high level of customer service extends to details like making sure his company's name comes up on caller I.D. windows. "That way you recognize the name and know we're not just another telemarketer."
Not All Spam Is Created Equal
Some people feel that if they buy a part on the Web, their e-mail address will be sold to dozens of other online retailers and marketers, and that their e-mail inboxes will be flooded with offers to buy Viagra cheap or meet hot singles in their area.
"The reputable online retailers put their privacy policy right on their Web sites," said NOPI's Evans, to inform customers of how their contact information will be used. The companies we spoke to do not share e-mail lists with other businesses, and it says so in their policy statements. They may, however, use their lists to send out their own special offers if your vehicle or demographic information fits a special marketing campaign.
But even in that case, most reputable (there's that word again) online retailers will give you the choice of selecting (or de-selecting, as the case may be) the option to receive promotions via e-mail or regular mail. It usually appears as a box that can be checked (or unchecked) when you first register with the retailer. So paying attention to the privacy policies, and the "special offers" fine print on the registration forms, can keep you from getting unwanted e-mail.
Remember, too, that special offers from online retailers may not fall into the "unwanted" category. Wouldn't you like to know that a certain part you've been dying for has gone on sale, or that you can finally order that engine block because the online store is having a "free shipping" deal? It's kinda like that old "if a tree falls in the forest" question: Is it really spam if the e-mail is about something you want?
Payment Options
Most online transactions are paid for by credit card, but not all of them. If you don't have plastic, or if your card has a credit limit that's so low you couldn't even afford a pine-tree-shaped air freshener, there are still options open to you. JCW Sport Compact, for example, will accept C.O.D. orders-that's cash on delivery-so you pay the UPS or FedEx driver when the part shows up. JCW also accepts checks by phone. "We use the routing number on the checking account, and it really saves time," said Hiell. Just remember, though, that like most electronic transactions, a check-by-phone payment immediately takes funds from your account, so there's no "float" like there would be if you sent a check by mail.
Some online companies, like Landspeed Racing, offer financing for large purchases. "We know some customers just can't wait, that they have to build an entire engine right now," said Matt Dunshie. "So we have a broker in-house who will get you a loan through a bank." The application process, just like the parts shopping, is all done online.
Shopping Versus Buying
Speaking of shopping, we asked our online businesses about that-whether you can browse, research, and ask a lot of questions of their companies about the parts you're interested in, or do you go online just to buy a part once you know exactly what you want. Every company encouraged back-and-forth dialog if you're unsure about a part or application. And every company we interviewed had a toll-free phone number, so the call for tech help costs nada.
"We don't have just order-takers here. Every one of us is into the industry and owns a vehicle using the parts we sell," said Landspeed Racing's Dunshie. "About 95 to 99 percent of the merchandise they're selling they've either installed or serviced themselves, so they can answer tech questions. In fact, we don't have a tech support department. Anyone can talk to you about your parts."
The sales staff at NOPI is similarly knowledgeable, whether it's through personal experience or training sessions from the parts manufacturers, ensures Bobby Evans. "We keep salespeople informed of customer service issues, things like if a part doesn't fit well or is difficult to install," he said. Skeptical, we asked if a salesperson would really warn a customer if a part wasn't going to easily bolt on. Yes, they would, Evans said, because NOPI is set up so that if there are any problems, you can call and talk to the very person who sold you the part in the first place. "If the salespeople know they will be getting the complaint call, they're more willing to be up front in the first place."
With an inventory of parts in the millions and a staff of 180 people taking orders at peak hours, the folks at JCW Sport Compact couldn't promise that every person manning the phones would be a gearhead. "But we have a tech department that has extensive product and vehicle knowledge," said Lipa. Added Hiell, "We have very good relationships with our vendors, so if need be, we can do a conference call with a vendor on a problem."
Shipping Issues
Most sites offer a variety of shipping options, from standard ground transport to overnight delivery. About the only time you don't have that option is when you're buying something so big or heavy-like a motor, for example-that it has to go via a freight carrier, or if you live in an area that's so remote or rural that overnight delivery just isn't possible.
When you place an order, some sites will give you the shipping company's tracking number so you can trace your order's progress as it moves from the warehouse to your door. Other sites will do this tracking for you as part of their customer service.
Who do you call if you have problems with your order's shipment? According to Landspeed Racing's Dunshie, the place to start is with him, not FedEx, UPS, or the Post Office. "If your box is missing items, call us, since it was probably due to a problem in the shipping department. If your box arrives with a big hole in it and stuff is missing, call us then, too. We'll contact the carrier and get information as to what happened from the driver. If the box just doesn't arrive during the time frame it was promised, we can probably help you there, also. The carriers will e-mail us if there are major problems with delivery areas, like really bad weather."
What You Can DoHow can you make the online buying process go smoother? The number-one answer we got was a simple one: To make sure you get the right part the first time, know your vehicle when you order. Year, make, and model, certainly, and trim level, too. "Those HX, DX, and EX designations can be important," noted NOPI's Evans. "And don't take for granted that a part for a '00 model will fit a '02." Vehicle manufacturers can make lots of changes from one model year to the next that aren't obvious until you tried to modify the changed part with one that fit the previous year's car.
Also, don't think just about the part you want but "everything it touches," said JCW's Hiell. "For example, if you're ordering a car cover, does your car have one outside mirror or two? If you're ordering a carpet kit, does your car have bucket seats or a bench?"
A Shopping Tip: There are usually several ways to find a part for your car on any given Web site. Most sites ask you for info about your car and then direct you to parts they have that fit. But you can also browse sites by product category, or look for a "search" box where you can type in keywords that the site will then look for. If you can't find what you're looking for using any of those methods, then pick up the phone and call. Because no matter how good the Internet gets, sometimes you just gotta talk to a live person to find the parts you need.
Where Should I Go?
Who are all these good guys we've been boasting about? Well, we decided to be really nice and delve into the pits of filth on the Web to bring you the most reputable retailers out there. Trust us, it isn't easy trying to avoid things you never wanted to see on the porn superhighway, but we managed to escape the barrage of pop-up windows advertising the latest man-versus-donkey techniques to show you the best. So here are companies you can believe in, from A to Z.