Parts List Street....................... Price
Circuit Sports DIS Ignition Amplifier.... $269
Tools Needed: Ratchet, metric sockets, wire cutters, wire crimpers
Install Time: 30 minutes
Try searching for a reasonably priced plug-and-play ignition amplifier upgrade for your direct fire ignition system and you’ll find that your choices narrow down from slim to none. Mostly what you’ll find, are universal kits that require crimping/soldering and confusing schematics to follow. Well, Circuit Sports recognized this hole in the market and jumped right in to fill it with its DIS ignition amplifier system. This kit is the closest thing to a true plug-and-play system and retails for a cool price of $269. Best of all, it’s available for most popular import applications and even some not so popular ones. For example, they even offer a kit for the Toyota Prius. While many people think of ignition amplifiers as purely beneficial in performance applications, Circuit Sports tested the system on a Prius and found both an increase in power and gas mileage. The improved MPG makes sense because increasing efficiency and boosting power are directly related to each other. As for the install, anybody with a little electrical experience can install this kit in about 30 minutes. The most difficult part of the installation is deciding where to mount the box and how to cleanly tuck away the harnesses.
As a rudimentary way to test the system, we selected my butt dyno and my daily driver, an SR20DET-swapped 240SX which has been experiencing a high RPM misfire due to increased boost and stock gapping on the plugs. The installation was simple and the results were very impressive. True to its claims, after installing the ignition box the engine now pulls flawlessly to redline without any hesitation. Additionally, we found that the idle is more stable and the powerband feels crisp and linear throughout. This mod isn’t only beneficial for big power SR20DETs, but for any engine at any tuning level. The system works by increasing voltage to the spark plugs to create a more complete burn inside the combustion chamber; resulting in increased efficiency and power. Compared to other kits on the market this Circuit Sports ignition module is definitely big bang for you buck. We were very impressed by this product and if time allows, we’d like to return to dyno test the system in order to bring you a more objective review. For now, you’ll have to trust that my butt dyno is quite accurate. Happy motoring!