RB26DETT 1,000-Plus Horsepower Block WorkOver the past five months, seven teams have waged a war in building the ultimate engine in a head-to-head battle. The challenge was based upon a points system (190 points total) consisting of the highest possible numbers in each category. Horsepower and torque (30 points), power under the curve (30 points), 30-minute drive cycle (100 points), and build quality (30 points). The Castrol Syntec Top Shop Challenge set the stage for eurotuner, Import Tuner, Lowrider, Modified, Sport Compact Car, Super Street, and Turbo & High-Tech Performance magazines to join forces with a tuner/engine builder while selecting an engine of their choice to build and compete. The highest combined points total will be declared the winner; this isn't a dyno competition based only on monster horsepower. Each team will build an engine to deliver horsepower and torque figures upon horsepower per liter. Larger displacement engines, like theNissan VQ35DE (3.5L), are known to develop bigger power figures but will be at a numerical disadvantage compared to the smaller-litered engines, like the Nissan SR20DET (2.0L).

The Castrol Syntec Top Shop Challenge is nearing its grand finale as all the teams, including Turbo & High-Tech Performance magazine/Sp Engineering will be sending each engine to Speedomotive in West Covina, Calif., to begin power testing using their engine dyno. Final tabulations will take place prior to this year's SEMA Show and the winner will be declared at the Source Interlink booth, along with the award's ceremony. You can bet we will be holding the coveted trophy along with whatever prize that is included for all the hard labor that was put into building this engine.