Replacing that timing belt? Chances are a curse word or two has crossed your lips when it came time to remove the factory crankshaft pulley. Unlike other makes, honda crank pulleys are fastened with a single bolt-and a large one at that. Call it cautiousness, call it over-engineering or call it just plain smart but honda calls for roughly 130 lbft worth of bone-crushing torque when it comes to tightening these buggers down. Add to that several thousands miles worth of engine operation and years of temperature variances and you just might have the makings for one stubborn bolt.
Sure 3/4-inch impact guns and even some of the better 1/2-inch ones will do the job, sometimes, but air compressors aren't exactly stuffed in the corner of everyone's garage and fancy air tools still don't grow on trees. But honda is one step ahead of you and offers the solution to all your problems, or at least your crank pulley related ones. No air compressor required.

The problem isn't your wimpy little ratchet but rather that trying to loosen the pulley bolt with your wimpy little ratchet doesn't do much more than spin the crank. Don't feel bad though, you'll get the same results with your friend's big, whopping ratchet. A number of methods have been concocted over the years to stop crank spin, none of which work all that great, like chain wrenches that usually end up marring the pulley to lodging scary objects in between the flywheel and bell housing. The solution lies with the guys who developed the pulley in the first place, and for a fraction of the cost of that new air compressor. honda's crankshaft pulley holder slips inside any '90 and newer honda pulley with a 50mm hex opening and fastens to most frames via a preexisting 8mm threaded hole. With the crank locked in place, even your wimpy little ratchet can get it to budge.