Price ListMSRPHOOK UP 180SX Tachometer$0$0 (came with our motor) GReddy Full Auto Turbo Timer$102$82 Pilot Motorsports Shift Knob$35$28 Pioneer DEH-P3800MP Head Unit$130$104 Harness$10$10 Antenna Harness$12$12 Total$289$236
180SX Tachometer
Install Time:45 Minutes
Difficulty: 2 out of 5
Tools Needed: Ratchet, socket (12mm), Phillips head screwdriver
For whatever reason, the tachometer from the '89-240SXs doesn t work after dropping the SR20DET motor. We've heard about resistors and whatnot you can make the tach signal read correctly, but far and above, the easiest way to opt for either a Japanese 180SX tachometer or one from a twin cam '91-94 240SX.
GReddy Turbo Timer
Install Time:30 Minutes
Difficulty: 1 out of 5
Tools Needed: Phillips head screwdriver
You have no idea how hot the oil inside your turbo gets, especially after you've been thrashing around at full boost for the past hour like a maniac. Turning your car off right away is the quickest way to kill your turbo bearings because the oil will sit and clump from the heat. You need to let your car and turbo cool down. The GReddy Full Auto Turbo Timer lets you do just that without having to sit around like an idiot.

Circuit Sports Weighted Shift Knob
Install Time:3 Minutes
Difficulty: 5 out of 5 (Well, we had a hard time.)
Our rubber shift knob was well-dated so we had to dump it for this threaded from Circuit Sports we picked up at Phase 2 Motortrend. It looks and feels dope, but damn when it's hot outside you don't want to be holding onto a chunk of metal with your bare hands.
Pioneer P3800MP Head Unit
Install Time:30 Minutes
Difficulty: 2 out of 5
Tools Needed: Phillips head screwdriver, butt connectors, wire crimper
Our beater car didn.t come with a stock radio. Horrible. As much as we love the sound of turbo spool and exhaust rumble,we needed something to keep us preoccupied on our long drives to the track. The wallet-friendly Pioneer P3800MP head unit fit us perfectly, playing both standard CDs and MP3s.