There comes a time in every project car's life when it has to learn the true meaning of shame. It's not that we didn't feel sorry for the CRX in May's introduction ("Project CRX: Part I"), it's just that we realize things have to get worse before they can get better. Sure, the coats of bird crap covering every exposed ounce of metal disgrace the car already. The oxidized red paint probably doesn't help, either. The mismatched wheels? Not boosting the ego. Ditto for the hordes of Fiji water bottles, In-N-Out wrappers, and spent chunks of Juicy Fruit that Jason added to the upholstery over time. We absolutely, positively do feel sorry for the poor thing, but that's not really the point. We want to be proud of it someday, which means we're going to have to toughen it up. So, instead of cradling it in our arms and telling it that beauty is on the inside, we're going to show you how to tear its guts out, and then kick it in the grille for good measure. Of course, we're also going to do this in less than an hour, because it happens to be Friday and some of us have a concert to go to. But with three guys-Bryan Bridges (a.k.a. Hot Pants), Aaron Tomosada, and Jason himself-all pitching in, we should be out of here really quick. And...Go!
All in all, we finished ripping everything out in record time. We even made it to the concert without missing the opening bands. Wait, what do you mean we're not finished? There's a problem? Where? Oh, that. Yeah, the motor is still in there. Big deal. No, we're not towing it off to get a rollbar installed with it still intact. It's like this: We're single and there are lots of hot girls at this show tonight. You get there early, and you can talk to them before the music starts. Get it? OK, now you understand where we're coming from. Just keep your pants on and stay tuned for "Part IV" to check out the real heavy-duty work coming up-basically everything we can't do ourselves because we have highly sensitive fingertips. We guarantee you'll be impressed, or else Aaron will come over to your house and do the fandango.