If you're sick of listening to the local yokel station when you travel, an XM Satellite Radio system will definitely liberate your mind. However, it may seem confusing at first, or simply too foreign or new to grasp. Either that or we're just moronic, because it sure was mysterious to us. In fact, we had to bring in Pioneer's Jaed Arzadon to show us how to activate the system right before our eyes. With pity in his heart and a menacing vein protruding from his forehead, he hooked us up, politely refraining from calling us idiots until he arrived back at his office and sent out a mass e-mail. Thanks, Jaed. Anyway, here's what we learned.
Make The Call
1.First, you have to have a head unit capable of receiving XM signals. We used the Pioneer GEX-FM903 Universal XM Satellite Digital Tuner System. Then, like Jaed, you can just call to connect. Try 800/852-9696 or www.xmradio.com.
2. The most common rates we found were $9.99 per month for a subscription. Activation fees vary from $9.99-$14.99. We discovered that it actually costs less to hook it up from the XM Radio site.
Zap! Zzzap!
3. Now all you have to do is sit back and wait for the vibes to ring down from above. A Pioneer AN-91XM antenna will help if you have nothing to capture them with yet.
Tune In Tokyo
4. Once activated, it's extremely easy to pick your top XM channel. Jaed's personal favorite is Caliente because he can't get enough of those sweltering Ricky Martin beats.
5. Turn up the volume when you find a great song. You're bound to run into "Dirty" or "Cry Me a River" playing on there somewhere. Zero static. Perfectly consistent delivery. That's XM Radio.
Lose Yourself
6. Now let the torrid rhythms of Caliente thrill you like a hot Havana night! Bastante, muchachos! Stop gyrating your hips. It's making us, how you say, nauseous.