So, you recently inherited your mom's Civic, and it just ain't getting the looks you expected. An easy way of adding flavor to your front end is to slip in a lip. Lips are great because they add aggressiveness to your car while keeping it clean at the same time. What's more, they're a cinch to install. Just watch as we watched Steve at Performance Techniques put the company's Tsunami front lip and grille onto this '97 Civic.

Tsunami front lips (as well as super cool rear wings) are available for a wide range of Civic model years, as well as '94-'98 Integras. So, give them a call to see what they can do for you. If you don't, we'll send the Emp to your house to raid your fridge.

Remove the factory front bumper from the car and remove the factory grille from the bumper. After that's done, sand down the bottom part of the bumper, where the Tsunami front lip is to be placed.

Remove the backing to the adhesive on the lip and secure the lip onto the front bumper, pressing down hard to make sure it sticks.

To affix the Tsunami grille to the bumper, you will need to drill two small holes into the factory bumper. The Tsunami kit comes with a template to show you exactly where to drill the holes. Just tape the template onto the bumper and carefully drill with a 3/16-inch drill bit. Once the holes have been drilled, you can now screw the Tsunami grille onto the factory bumper with the supplied screws.

Reinstall the Tsunami-enhanced factory bumper with the factory hardware, and you're all set to cruise the strip, because we all know that front lip=hot chicks.