250mph S4
Jeff Gerner at Four Ring Performance Engineering only recently stopped crying after his trip to the Bonneville Salt Flats. We’d like to blame the tears on his blistering average speed of 250mph in a ’93 Audi S4. However, the team unfortunately suffered a stock oil pump failure after the qualifying run, which completely destroyed the bottom end.

Everything going into Bonneville looked promising. The S4 had delivered 952whp on the dyno and was tuned for a record-breaking attempt of 224mph in the F-Production Supercharged class.
Today, the team is back at the drawing board. With a couple of major engineering tasks in hand, they plan to design a dry-sump system with a multi-stage pump for starters.
“The factory balancer, and the interface between it and the crank nose, are totally inadequate for the level of power and RPM associated with our engine,” Jeff explained. So a re-design of the balancer mounting area is in order.

Once completed, the Audi will run down the salt again, which should give it an average speed above 250mph – something that would be very exciting to see. The team is confident with its aerodynamic stability from their previous runs. They just need to look at the details of the engine build.
We’ll be documenting its progress each month up to the record breaking run. Stay tuned.