The home stretch is finally upon us as Bisimoto has begun assembly of our F22A for the Castrol
Syntec Top Shop Challenge. We're expecting to have one of the most durable and reliable engines out of the entire group, in addition to making serious all-motor power. Here's where we're at with our build:

We had an opportunity to partner with another great company, Brian Crower Incorporated. It's supplied a billet crankshaft that's been destroked, which will not only allow us to maximize our horsepower per liter but also allow us to rev higher as well. Golden Eagle machined our block with ductile iron sleeves that have been strutted; the cross-hatching is impeccable and will help our engine to break in properly. Breaking in the ring seals is extremely important for creating power; the cross hatching will allow the cylinders to seat properly. Total Seal provided us with gapless top rings, which keep gases in the combustion chamber where they belong instead of the crankshaft per se. I use them in my own engines and have had great success with them so far. We'll mate them to the Arias pistons as we assemble our high compression engine.

Another company we're working with is GRP, which is supplying us with connecting rods. GRP incorporates a lot of amazing technology into its rod manufacturing. It's not just a matter of putting together a billet rod and cutting it down; if you look in between the rod cast and the main rod itself there are serrations. These serrations keep the cast in place during high rpm in a high-horsepower engine. Our bearings are sourced from Honda, but we cut down our rod journals to the size of a B-series (we are using GS-R bearings), which equals less friction and translates to more horsepower.

One modification that we've lightly touched upon is our use of an individual throttle body setup and to some of you, a part like that may sound complicated. The engine that your car comes with is designed to work with an intake plenum (manifold) design; they send air to the cylinders in a certain manner. But if your goal is all-out performance, you can't beat individual throttle bodies because you can supply the same amount of air to each cylinder-there's no compromise. No two cylinders will have the chance to pull in more air than the other two. You can time certain pressure weights within the intake tract to merge with prior intake waves. When those waves double up at a certain rpm band, you can carry more fuel and air to the engine and create an environment of more power. That's the simplest way to describe how individual throttle bodies work.
Kinsler also did something very exciting for us-they fabricated a set of individual throttle bodies just for this build and the F-series alone. It's so amazing that I'm going to incorporate it into my own racing program; that's how advanced it is. The throttle plates, for example: instead of running across the manifold longitudinally, they're now positioned in a latitudinal direction. Now we can experience more gains because the airflow will follow the path of the splitter in the head port itself. We'll gain velocity and flow by doing that. We'll also use eight injectors on this set up as well; four of them will smooth out the idle and the AEM EMS will gradually merge in the others at high rpm to create an atmosphere of optimum atomization. Next month we'll show you how amazing the Kinsler manifold is with some up close shots detailing the craftsmanship.
VISIT: SyntecTopShop.com
There's still time for you to log on to Castrol Syntec's Top Shop website where you can vote for Super Street's almighty F22A. Yes, we're the underdog, but we'd still love your support. VOTE OR DIE!