Some people collect luxury watches, coins, sneakers and comics to name a few items. Old-school Japanese wheels are an entirely different animal. They might not have the same nostalgia as let's say Amazing Fantasy #15 featuring Spider-Man on the cover or a '69 Lincoln cent with a Double Die Obverse but they definitely have their place.

Since '88-'92 SSR would probably be best compared to "OG Space Jams" as far as style, swagger and collectible value is concerned. Sure there were maybe other collectible wheels such as Panasport, Volk Racing, Epsilon and others, but nothing screamed street king more than SSR.
Back in the day, if you were lucky enough to own a set of 15-inch Racing Hart Super Fins-that right there would have set you back at least $2500 sans the tires. What 15-inch multi-piece wheel that you know of which came with magnetic locking center caps? What it meant if you owned them is that you were baller status and had deep pockets. Any old-school multi-piece SSR is by far the most sought after wheel especially since they're discontinued. To locate and procure an immaculate set would be near impossible. A good friend once told me using luxury watches as an example and comparison between a vintage Rolex Red Submariner and an Iced-out rappers watch worth $100,000. The difference is that the Rolex is timeless.