Back-Half Install On A Toyota Tacoma - Project Resurrection: Part 1
Many of us have had the unfortunate experience of dealing with shoddy work in the past. Whether it's because we had little funds, little knowledge, or we just didn't know any better, most of us have been taken for a ride by a "shop" or even a "friend" trying to build our rides.

| bio Kustumz Back Half Install Toyota Tacoma back Half
But with a little research and patience, knowing who to call the first time around might seem fairly expensive at first, but in the long run it will probably save you time AND money! Max Fish, owner of Bio Kustumz and one of our highly knowledgeable tech editors gave us a call about a Tacoma that he had in the works. The project was quickly dubbed "Resurrection" as it had went through a couple rounds of sub-par work before it was brought to Bio to be resuscitated back to life. The Tacoma showed up to Bio on "three casters, frame missing from the cab back, and hacked hydros up front," so let's just say that Max and Steve had their work cut out for them to bring this Tacoma back to life and get it back on the road in a much safer and way cooler condition than before. The build took several months, so we have a few parts to cover here in the mag, and with this story we will start with the killer Bio Kustomz back-half. Follow along as Bio fixes the unfixable and stay tuned for a few follow-up stories on Project Resurrection. For more information, contact the company listed in the source box.