| 2007 Chevy Silverado Diesel left Front View
GM rolled out its redesigned HDs earlier this year, so we thought it would be cool to get a hold of one and then do some simple Fantastic Four upgrades to the intake, exhaust, suspension, and wheels and tires. The new HDs certainly look fresh, but they share more with their last-gen versions than you think. The suspension in the '07 HD is essentially the same as the '06 models, which means the aftermarket manufacturers only have to update the labeling on their lifting and lowering kits. We went with a 6-inch suspension lift kit from Bulletproof Suspension that was already in existence for the '06 models. The Duramax 6.6L diesel in the '07 HD is certainly new, if nothing else than for its aggressive, EPA-mandated emissions controls. Rolling Big Power (RBP) provided an aftermarket exhaust system to replace the OE system. At the other end, we nabbed a Volant intake system. Toyo was chosen for a set of 35-inch tires and the new 20x10-inch wheels came from RBP. The gents at 714 Motorsports in Westminster, California, installed the products onto the truck for us. Shall we begin?
From the Driver SeatIntake: The faux-metallic logo treatment on the airbox for the Volant intake looks bold, as does the size of the box itself. Installing it was as easy as any other intake system. We presume the improved airflow that the system is supposed to foster will produce a notable gain in power.
Exhaust: While RBP's exhaust fits on the new low-emission diesel pickups, it itself is not emissions-friendly. RBP's system doesn't retain that section of the factory exhaust system that resembles a laser bazooka from a science fiction movie, and it's that part of the OE exhaust where the emissions mojo resides. Therefore, the new exhaust won't help you pass your biannual smog test, but it will sound cool and likely will give you more power. It is also designed to fool your vehicle's computer into thinking everything is A-OK with the emission's system so that it won't throw a check-engine light.
Suspension: There was nothing unusual about this install, other than the fact that the "Y" in the upper control arm on the driver side was a teeny bit wide. Nothing that a 20-ton press couldn't fix. We gave Bulletproof a heads up on this problem, since this was an early production kit, so they can fix it. The overall kit was fairly simple to install, as far as lift kits go. And the end result looked great.
Wheels and Tires: The Toyos look good in this application and those RBP wheels have a sturdy, chromed look that's a good fit for this lifted truck.
(Intake, 30 minutes; exhaust, 30 minutes; suspension, 8 hours; wheel and tire mount, 30 minutes) 9.5 hours Mechanical Difficulty
(Intake, easy; exhaust, easy if bolted not welded; suspension, intermediate; wheel and tire mounts, easy with pro equipment) Intermediate Tools Used
lift or jack and stands, Sawzall (for suspension work), welder (for exhaust and suspension), impact tools, and tire-mounting machinery Basic handtools PARTS USED Bulletproof Suspension 6-inch lift kit for the 2001-06 2WD/4WD {{{Chevrolet}}} 2500,
PN BP25004, ($1,{{{900}}} for lift, plus $800 for {{{Fox}}} Racing Shox) $2,700 RBP 4-inch turbo-back exhaust for the 2007 6.6L Duramax for longbed and shortbed trucks, PN 66404, $699 RBP 20x10-inch wheels, PN T902, ($399 each) $1,596, Toyo Open Country {{{M}}}/T 35x12.50R20LT tires, PN 360240, ($450 each) $1,800 Volant Intake System for 6.6L Duramax, PN 15066, $628.50 Total Cost: $7,423.50 (Not including labor)