Project Sinatra F150 - Better Binders

| ssbc Brake Installation hands On
In a world of information overload, we often times get caught up in the "what have you done for me lately" and the even more growing "what can you do for me right now." If it takes 10 minutes to do, that is 5 minutes too long. Well, in an effort to save you time and money, we found a brake upgrade that is simple to do and takes little effort. Adding Stainless Steel Brakes' turbo-slotted rear discs and new-performance brake pads on our Project Sinatra F-150 was so easy, it actually took longer to put the truck up on stands and remove the wheels than to swap the discs and pads. Sound too good to be true? It's not, and adding big brakes on the front of your truck or SUV without improving the rear brakes is a big mistake. Don't overlook the importance of having equal-braking distribution on your ride. To see how easy it was to add new slotted disc brakes and new pads to our Ford, check out the following pictures.
From The Driver SeatWe know what many of you are thinking, "Why should I spend almost $300 on the back brakes after I just spent $2,250 on the front brakes?" Here is why: better braking distribution, safer and shorter stopping distances, and for you clean freaks ... less brake dust on the front wheels. With our rear pads being darn-near metal on metal, the rear brakes were virtually useless. Now with the new slotted SSBC rotors and new pads, the rears actually aid in the halting of our Project Sinatra F-150. Anytime more safety can be added to a truck, it is money well spent.
YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED Time Spent Working: Less than 1 hour Degree of Difficulty Beginner Tools needed: Jack, jackstands, breaker bar and 3/4-inch deep socket, 10mm wrench, screwdriver, and a C-clamp Parts Used: Stainless Steel Brakes Corp. Rear Disc Upgrade A2360010 $280 Total Cost: $280