1993 Custom Toyota Mini Truck - Project Dragged Daily: Part XXXIV.5

| 1993 Custom Toyota Pickup final Front Suspension
Well, it may have taken a few months, but like the old adage states: Good things come to those who wait! So after a couple months of penciling ideas and trying to figure out how the heck we were going to fit a coilover and a bag up front and still be able to lock it out (not to mention contending with the steering, header, etc.).... Let's just say the front was quite a bit more challenging than the rear. But have no fear. We placed our complete faith in Aaron, knowing that if anyone could do it, he would definitely be the one! We tossed around the idea of a pair of hydraulic cylinders mounted in the rear with fluid pushed by airbags to a pair of cylinders in the front that would give us the space we needed to still fit the coilover. While it was a great idea (and I'm sure we'll see it on something soon), we wanted to stick with the airbag to match the rear setup. Eventually a light just clicked in Aaron's crazy head and we saw his eyes light up and instantly knew that he'd figured it out. With so much to fit in such a little space Aaron really had his work cut out for him, but what he managed to do was build another pair of arms that would bolt inside the control arms. The lower arm acts as the bag plate and also attaches to the upper arm. The upper arm attaches to the coilover and the connecting rod, so when the bag inflates it pulls down on the upper arm and the connecting rod lifts the truck, since the coilover is attached to the lower control arm and that upper secondary arm. It might sound a little confusing, but just like the rear, it's pretty simple once you see it in action. Follow along to see Aaron work his magic...yet again. For more information, contact the companies listed in the source box.