| paper Cuts dropped Truck
Throw One to the DogsDear MT,
I picked up my first issue in April 1999 and have been a subscriber since 2002. Now that I'm 14, I am thinking of building a mini. I want to start with either an S-10 or a Ranger. I know I'm young, but I want to build a mini anyway. I was wondering if you have any suggestions to help me get started.
Westin Salazar
Glendora, California
It's always good to see avid, young readers. It assures the future and growth of our sport. Without telling you how to build your truck, we can give you some good suggestions. Since you have been buying our magazine for some time, we're sure you have an idea of the style of vehicle you like.
| paper Cuts wrap
Frozen AssetsDear MT,
First off, would like to say that your mag is like the Bible to me. I'm kind of new to the scene, so I have a stupid question. I was thinking about 'bagging my '94 S-10. Problem is, I live in the Midwest where it's cold and snowed-over most of the year. Since my truck will be driven daily, what would be my best course of action to be sure that I don't get stranded in the winter months with frozen air lines? Also, when people use nitrogen, do they use distribution blocks or what? Thank you for your time.
Rich Pendergast
Norfolk, Nebraska
Hey Rich,
No question in this scene is a stupid question. We are sure that a lot of people have similar questions. There is no 100 percent fix, but here are some ideas. The biggest problem is going to be your air solenoids; mount them inside the cab so they aren't exposed to all of the elements. Around your air lines, you could use insulating wrap similar to that used on headers. Also, a water separator would be a good bet to keep ice out of the lines. As far as your question about the nitrogen, the gas would start at the bottle exiting out of a regulator. From there, it would be directed to your solenoids, which will direct the airflow to its proper corner. Distribution blocks in an air setup would only exist in a setup with a manifold, which would house multiple solenoids. Good luck not freezing your tail off. We hope this keeps you from lighting a fire under your truck.