| truck Parts And Accessories audiobahn
Clean Up the SoundAudiobahn's new 15-foot CS15K professional-grade RCA stereo-signal transfer cable is the latest addition to the Audiobahn line of high-performance cables. The OFHC (oxygen-free high conductivity) signal wire is exactly what systems require. Its triple-shielded twisted pair of conductors give the system improved noise cancellation, and the foil outer shield rejects EM and RF interference. Its unique shape, employing insulated rubber grips and the patented Tight-Hold-Triangle design, allows you to grip and twist the connectors with increased control and comfort. For more information, contact: www.audiobahninc.com.

| truck Parts And Accessories ground Force
Low Trucks Need Shocks, TooGround Force nitrogen gas shocks for lowered trucks and SUVs feature urethane bushings, internal bumpstops, a sintered iron piston, and 10-stage full-displaced valving. The 1-3/8-inch bore has more optimal operating pressures than the standard 1-inch bore, and the 5/8-inch-diameter rod is a super-heavy-duty rod for consistent control and longer service life. You get less bounce per ounce. Ground Force nitrogen gas shocks and complete suspension-lowering kits can be purchased from Summit Racing Equipment and many of the nation's largest automotive specialty warehouses. For more information, contact: Ground Force, (724) 430-2068, www.groundforce.com.

| truck Parts And Accessories watsons Streetworks
FrenchedThis frenched license-plate kit from Watson's StreetWorks has everything you need to move your license plate to a more desirable custom location, including a bright 32-LED third brake light that attaches to the top inside of the box. The kit also comes with two of Watson's StreetWorks exclusive bright-white LED illuminators to light the tag, along with stainless-steel license plate bolts and rubber grommets to seal the bolts and hold the plate away from the paint. The 18-gauge steel box has been clear-zinc-plated to prevent corrosion before painting. For more information, contact: Watson's StreetWorks, Dept. MT, P.O. Box 270, Bozrah, CT 06334, (860) 859-0513, www.watsons-streetworks.com.

| truck Parts And Accessories STS Turbo
Turbo Where?Squires Turbo Systems (STS) has developed remote-mounted turbo systems that bolt on with basic handtools in four to six hours. This turbo assembly is mounted in place of the muffler. The advantages are an easy installation, less heat, and more useable power than roots or centrifugal superchargers. For more information, contact: Squires Turbo Systems, (866) 938-8726, www.ststurbo.com.