3/4 to 1/2 Ton Conversion Spindle Kit on a Chevy Suburban - Dropping The Big Ship, Part 1

| conversion Kit early Classic
In the world of sport utility vehicles, the Suburban has long been at or near the top of all urban assault vehicles. Since the late '30s, Chevrolet has been building the ultimate vehicle for both work and play. Ask any truck owner with kids what they dislike most about their ride and the general answer is lack of room for the car seat, toys, bikes, and so on. One of the main reasons that SUVs are so popular is their ability to haul everyone and everything, all in the same trip.
With the price of new SUVs going through the roof, it only stands to reason that the classic Suburban market is booming, too. This newfound popularity has created a seller's market, leaving many people looking at alternative solutions to the shortage of prime project vehicles.
Early Classic's VP and general manager, Stan Hammond, faced the same dilemma recently. With a growing family and the need for a bigger, yet cool, mode of transportation, he started looking for a Suburban to fill the garage. After realizing that most of the 1/2-ton models were either overpriced or just plain worn out, he found this very clean 3/4-ton Suburban and struck a deal.
From a customizing standpoint, 3/4-ton trucks and Suburbans have generally been passed over, due to their heavy suspension and eight-lug wheels. Stan and the crew at ECE decided that this would be the perfect R&D vehicle to test and display their new 1/2-ton conversion spindle kit, along with a rear air suspension and anything else that could be bolted on while it was in the shop.
Follow along as we show the transformation from zero to cool in just a few short hours.